Similes, metaphors, & idioms In poetry
Why Do Poets Use Similes and Metaphors? allow poets to help readers envision what is occurring while being efficient in word usage. a poem might begin with a simile in order to set the tone of the poem. Why Do Poets Use Similes and Metaphors?
Similes draw comparisons between unlike objects using “like” or “as.” Similes can be used to describe almost anything. For example, if you wanted to describe the brightness of a woman’s smile, you could say “her smile was like the sun.” similes
metaphors Metaphors also draw comparisons between objects, but they omit words such as “like” or “as” to say that an object is another object For example, you could change the simile “her smile was like the sun” by changing it to “her smile was the sun.”
Idioms A old saying that does not mean what it says Examples: Cat got your tongue? I’m so hungry I could eat a horse It costs an arm and a leg