Olga Chudinoivskikh Moscow State Lomonosov University Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-16 April 2010 Preparing a guide on statistics of international migration for the countries of Eastern Europe Caucasus and Central Asia http://www.utravel.ru/obzor/vietnam/2.php Olga Chudinoivskikh Moscow State Lomonosov University
Issues of migration data are often met without enthusiasm…….
Purpose of the toolkit and target groups to provide basic knowledge on statistics of international migration - its concepts and definitions, sources of data and main issues of access to statistics and its interpretation in a very comprehensive manner with patterns and examples of good and not so good practices with illustrations - screenshots and images with references to international standards ……. Statisticians Policy-makers Functionaries in migration related authorities Scholars and other users Each group should find something new and practically useful from the perspective of data collection, processing, dissemination and interpretation
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Definitions and concepts in statistics of migration 3. Main statistical categories in migration: migrant flows and stocks 4. Data sources 5. Collecting data on some special categories of migrants 6. Country checklist of available sources and necessary data 7. Presenting and understanding statistics of migration: how to avoid mistakes 8. Providing access to statistics 9. International sources of statistics of international migration 10. Concluding remarks Total about 50 pages
Comprehensive explanations Making issues of statistics of migration easily understandable and (perhaps) interesting Comprehensive explanations
Examples of good and bad practices In data collection Processing (computing and tabulation) Providing access to data (and microdata) Translation (statistical and analytical publications) Understanding and interpretation etc.
Some patterns Design of the paragraph ‘Data collected at the borders’ Good and bad examples: time series
National reports and international resources
Thank you!