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Reminder! Quiz Friday… Notebook Check #3 On May 30th.
Finishing World War 2 Key Terms Early Japanese Success Turning Point: Stalingrad Turning Point: Midway Island Hopping D-Day VE-Day Manhattan Project Death of FDR VJ-Day
Japan Storms the Pacific After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Swarmed across the Pacific, Pushing American forces back. Remember, we had been isolationist Before the war, so in many ways We were not ready. The Japanese even drove Us out of our colony in the Philippines
Turning Point: Stalingrad Hitler ordered the German army to turn south To try to take Russia’s Oil supply. The major battle was at A city called Stalingrad, Where the German army Was defeated and 91,000 Troops were captured
Battle of Stalingrad
Turning Point: Midway The turning point in The pacific was the Battle of Midway. The US was able to Surprise japan because We had broken their Secret code and knew The attack was coming. Japan lost their 4 biggest Aircraft carriers, and we only Lost 1.
Yamamoto vs. Nimitz
Island Hopping After Midway, the US Was able to use a strategy Called “Island Hopping.” Moving from Island to Island across the pacific Until we could get in Range for our bombers to Hit japan.
D-Day US Troops going In at Omaha Beach In Europe, the Russians Were pushing the Germans Back from the East, The Allies in the West, America And England needed to land in France to push the Germans Back from the west. June 6, 1944 was “D-Day” When 150,000+ allied troops Landed at Normandy in Northern France. US Troops going In at Omaha Beach
VE-Day Victory in Europe Day After being surrounded By Allied troops from East and west….. April 30th, 1945 Hitler killed himself in His secret bunker. Wife Eva Braun also kills herself. On May 8, the Germans Surrendered.
Death of Adolf Hitler
Death of FDR On April 12, 1945 Pres. Roosevelt died of a brain Bleed. Harry S. Truman became President and had to Make one of the most Important decisions in The history of the World.
Fat Man destroys Nagasaki, AUGUST 9 1945 For years, America Had been working on The “Manhattan Project” To develop nuclear bombs. After testing in New Mexico, President Truman had to Make a tough decision on Whether to use the bombs Or not. On August 6, 1945 Hiroshima Was the first city destroyed. Nagasaki followed on August 9. Fat Man destroys Nagasaki, AUGUST 9 1945
VJ-Day Realizing they could not win A war against a country that Could destroy entire cities, Japan decided to surrender. On Sept 2, the Emperor of Japan spoke to the people and Said it was time to stop fighting.
What’s Next For the world….?
What’s Next For the world….? A world destroyed…. A world divided into two Blocks…. The US will not pull back Again like we did after World War 1. Cold War and United Nations