The Decline of the Middle Ages A. Wars - The Crusades and 100 Year War 100 Year War: France v. England (1337-1453) Strengthened the power of the king – nations grow Chivalry is dead: Crossbow and Gunpowder For more, see p. 356
Wars undermined the social structure of the Middle Ages. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
The Decline of the Middle Ages B. Plague - The Black Death Caused the death of half of the population. Economic problems: trade stops and workers die Peasants start paying rent = the end of serfdom
The effects of trade with Asia led to an economic decline at the end of the Middle Ages. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
The Decline of the Middle Ages C. The Great Schism Remember: The Church was incredibly CENTRAL to the Middle Ages Pope Clement V moves to Avignon, France 2 Popes: Italian pope elected - French people leave and elect their own pope Growing dissatisfaction with the Church
The Church’s growth in power led to a decline in support for the Church. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?