Fluctuation of metabolic gene expression in the ylxR disruptant with glucose. Fluctuation of metabolic gene expression in the ylxR disruptant with glucose. Metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides, are shown. Solid arrows show reactions catalyzed by enzymes encoded by the indicated genes, and dotted arrows show multistep reactions. Genes whose expression decreased or increased in the RNA-Seq analysis of the ylxR strain in the presence of glucose are shown in blue and red, respectively. Genes in black in parentheses are those whose expression was not changed in RNA-Seq analysis; however, genes whose expression was not significantly changed in RNA-Seq but changed in lacZ analysis of the promoter for the gene are shown in black without parentheses. Genes not tested with lacZ analysis, but whose expression should be changed due to the gene position in the operon, are included in this category. Genes presented as consecutive characters indicate operons. # and $ indicate genes whose expression was not analyzed by lacZ analysis and were assigned to opposite categories (i.e., both up- and downregulation) in three replicates of RNA-Seq. F6P, fructose-6-phosphate; F1,6P, fructose-1,6-biphosphate; 3-PG, 3-phosphoglycerate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; PYR, pyruvate; A-CoA, acetyl-CoA; ACP, acetylphosphate; PRPP, phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate; HCys, homocysteine; SAM, S-adenosyl methionine; PRE, prephenate; CIT, citric acid; 2-OG, 2-oxoglutarate; OAC, oxaloacetate. Mitsuo Ogura, and Yu Kanesaki mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00501-18