Before the worship service begins, please turn off your cell phone. God may be calling YOU, but probably not on your cell phone. Please turn off your cell phone, or put it on vibrate.
We are so glad you are here! Welcome! We are so glad you are here!
All Glory, Laud, and Honor CALL TO REFLECTION PRELUDE – All Glory, Laud, and Honor arr. Alec Wyton
The News of the Community
Following worship, please join us on the patio Visitors, to First Church! Following worship, please join us on the patio for refreshments!
Monday, April 15th, 9:00 – Noon Friday, April 19th, 9:00 – Noon
April 15th for the May issue
25% to One Great Hour of Sharing 25% to Hollywood C.A.R.E.S. 25% to One Great Hour of Sharing 50% to the General Fund
Bring your pet(s) and join us in the Patch for a special blessing! Saturday April 20th anytime from 9:30 to 11 AM Bring your pet(s) and join us in the Patch for a special blessing!
9th Annual FPC Charity Golf Tournament to support Troop 420 Hollywood Beach Golf Resort 1650 Johnson Street For information Contact Phil @ 305-389-5328 E-mail: TROOP420GOLF@ATT.NET
First Church and our activities, please visit For information about First Church and our activities, please visit our website:
All Glory, Laud, and Honor *Hymn All Glory, Laud, and Honor #88 in the Blue Hymnal
All glory, laud, and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring.
Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's royal Son, Who in the Lord's name comest, The King and blessed One.
All glory, laud, and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring.
The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went; Our praise and prayers and anthems Before Thee we present.
All glory, laud, and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring.
To Thee, before Thy passion, They sang their hymns of praise; To Thee, now high exalted, Our melody we raise.
All glory, laud, and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring.
Thou didst accept their praises; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King!
All glory, laud, and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King! To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring.
Adapted from Basil Naylor PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS – (in unison) Adapted from Basil Naylor
Lord, on this Palm Sunday, you were given a hero’s welcome as one who was going the way of the crowd, but you had chosen the way of the cross, and the applause was short-lived. Forgive us when we go the way of the crowd rather than the cross.
Keep bright and clear before us the vision of our calling, that we may never be diverted from the way you have chosen for us, but may follow in the footsteps of you, our crucified and risen Lord, to whom be all glory, laud and honor, this day and for evermore.
In Your name we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
shall the cross forsake me: Lo! *In the Cross of Christ I Glory # 84 (verses 1, 2) In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'er-take me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy.
The News of the Community
Following worship, please join us on the patio Visitors, to First Church! Following worship, please join us on the patio for refreshments!
— Child care is provided — April 18th 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel — Child care is provided —
— Child care is provided — Good Friday Service April 19th, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary — Child care is provided —
Love Unknown Westminster Choir Michael Burkhardt Palm Sunday Cantata Love Unknown Michael Burkhardt Readings are an adaptation of The Final Week of Jesus, taken from And the Angels Were Silent by Max Lucado. Westminster Choir
OFFERING OUR TITHES AND GIFTS (Visitors, in the pew rack you will find a Guest Information card. Please complete the card, then place it in the offering plate.)
OFFERTORY — The Palms Jean-Baptiste Faure
* The Response of Praise — Doxology (#592) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Patterns and Prayer for Christian Worship Offering of Prayer (in unison) Adapted from Patterns and Prayer for Christian Worship
Lord Jesus, we greet your coming, pilgrim messiah, servant king, rejected savior.
You rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, symbol of humility and lowliness, mocking our dreams of pomp and glory, demonstrating the foolishness of God before the eyes of the world.
You have shown us the way of humble service, the way of true greatness. Lord Jesus, help us to follow. In Your name we pray. Amen.
Celebration of the Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper
Invitation to the Lord’s Table Great Thanksgiving (CONGREGATION READS WORDS IN BOLD)
In the Lord I will rejoice, All Sing: In the Lord, I’ll be ever thankful, In the Lord I will rejoice, Look to God, do not be afraid. Lift up your voices, the Lord is near; Lift up your voices, the Lord is near.
The Lord’s Prayer (Debtors version)
Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. Amen.
Communion of Bread & Cup Words of Institution Communion of Bread & Cup
Closing Let us talents and tongues employ, reaching out with a shout of joy: bread is broken, the wine is poured, Christ is spoken and seen and heard. Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again, pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Christ is able to make us one, at the table He sets the tone, teaching people to live to bless, Love in word and in deed express. Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again, pass the Word around: loaves abound! Prayer
Congregational Response: * CHARGE AND BLESSING - Congregational Response: God be with you till we meet again; Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a Shepherd’s care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again. *Charge and Blessing Congregational Response: God be with you till we meet again; Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a Shepherd’s care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again. *Postlude - Morning Has Broken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. H. Royce Eckhardt ~ ~ ~ Lay Reader - Marilyn McIntosh The flowers in the sanctuary are given by Jerry & Judy Gensel in memory of Jerry’s brother, Phil. LAST WEEK’S VITAL STATISTICS: Attendance: 146 AMOUNT RECEIVED AMOUNT NEEDED Offering: Operations $2,810 $5,361 Additional Income: Christmas Offering 275 Deficit 5 Major Repairs 100
All Glory, Laud, and Honor) Postlude — Maestoso Michael Burkhardt (from Partita on All Glory, Laud, and Honor)
MORE News of the Community
Following worship, please join us on the patio Visitors, to First Church! Following worship, please join us on the patio for refreshments!
Monday, April 15th, 9:00 – Noon Friday, April 19th, 9:00 – Noon
April 15th for the May issue
25% to One Great Hour of Sharing 25% to Hollywood C.A.R.E.S. 25% to One Great Hour of Sharing 50% to the General Fund
Bring your pet(s) and join us in the Patch for a special blessing! Saturday April 20th anytime from 9:30 to 11 AM Bring your pet(s) and join us in the Patch for a special blessing!
9th Annual FPC Charity Golf Tournament to support Troop 420 Hollywood Beach Golf Resort 1650 Johnson Street For information Contact Phil @ 305-389-5328 E-mail: TROOP420GOLF@ATT.NET
— Child care is provided — April 18th 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel — Child care is provided —
— Child care is provided — Good Friday Service April 19th, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary — Child care is provided —
First Church and our activities, please visit For information about First Church and our activities, please visit our website: