rectangular resonators
Rectangular Resonators - simple idea - TE mode d x y z a b From waveguides
Rectangular Resonators - simple idea - TE mode a b d x y z
Rectangular Resonators - simple idea - TE mode a b d x y z m = 1; n = 0; l = 1
Rectangular Resonators - simple idea - TE mode a b d x y z
a b d x y z Ey a b d x y z
a b d x y z resonator
a b d x y z Resonator - energy stored
a b d x y z Resonator - power lost
Q of a basketball or an electronic circuit h h-h
a b d x y z
Q ==> volume / surface area b d x y z Q ==> volume / surface area
cylindrical resonators
Cylindrical resonator z a
TM or TE modes mnp a j m - variation in j n - which zero of Bessel function p - variation in z
TM mode 010
a j TM010 mode
J0(x) J1(x) 10 20 1 2.405
a j TM010 mode
microwave diagnostics j TM010 mode microwave diagnostics
Resonator - energy stored
Resonator - power lost d a
Q ==> volume / surface area
dielectric rod
b Small gap resonator a . d g