Curriculum Overview Year 1 2019 Summer Term English Narrative write a re-telling of a traditional story Non-Fiction reports & explanations Poetry vocabulary building poetry appreciation Take One Book Mathematics multiplication & division fractions telling the time Science flowers and trees seasonal changes Computing Starting Research– children develop understanding of researching using non-digital and digital sources, including the World Wide Web. PE bat and ball games athletics – run, jump and throw Curriculum Overview Year 1 2019 Summer Term The Arts Art – 3D sculpture, artist Henry Moore DT – design, make & evaluate structures Music – on-going skills and exploring instruments History History / Geography Geography – seasonal and daily weather map making History – homes past and present Elizabeth I and Victoria I PHCE and SMSC Relationships learning about friendships and people who help us Changing Me learning about life cycles, changing and growing RE sacred texts – who reads them, when and why faith stories big questions about God taking responsibilty