FAK overexpression in invasive human colon cancer and colon dysplasia. FAK overexpression in invasive human colon cancer and colon dysplasia. A, this paired sample of normal colon (NOR) and invasive colon cancer (INV) from the same patient demonstrates little detectable p125FAK immunoreactivity in the normal colon mucosa. In contrast, the invasive colon cancer demonstrates intense FAK immunostaining in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells (immunohistochemistry, ×400). B, this individual FFPE section demonstrates normal colon mucosa (NOR), with adjacent dysplastic mucosa (DYS), surrounded by a colon cancer that has invaded underneath the normal mucosa (INV; ×200). Inset in the left panel, the junction between normal and invasive tumor, which is shown at a higher magnification (×600) in the right panel, demonstrates the difference in levels of p125FAK expression. William G. Cance et al. Clin Cancer Res 2000;6:2417-2423 ©2000 by American Association for Cancer Research