From pole to pole 3rd-5th class Students make groups of 6. Numbers 3rd-5th class Tina Klopčič Dobrić, Osnovna šola Vič, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 6 (3 pairs) Consolidation of different ways of number presentation Consolidation of numerical sequences Reading comprehension Learning about world famous historical and geographical sights and persons Learning through game Laminated map of the world (1x) Laminated continents with photographs (6x) Laminated playing cards (6 x 10) Playing figures with a base– bear (3x) and penguin (3x) Playing dices with colours of the continents (3x) Markers (ordinary, not alcohol based) (6x) Clues/ solutions Students make groups of 6. Students make 3 couples within the group. In each couple the students take their roles – polar bear or penguin. Each group gets one laminated map of the world, 6 continents, playing cards (6 sets), 6 based figures , 3 dices (each pair has got one dice ) and 6 markers. A player throws the dice and takes the continent that the dice shows (colour). Along with the dice he gets the corresponding playing cards, a marker and a playing figure. After the first player, the rest of the players in the group throw the dice. If the continent, the dice shows, is taken, the player throws the dice again. They start the game in pairs, around the map. They put the corresponding cards next to the continent (face down).
Each student in the pair picks up the upper card, turns it around, reads it and does tha task. They write with the markers on the cards. When the task is done, they put the card on the edge of the table (the solutions are checked at the end of the game). When both players in the pair do their task, they do the same using the second card, and the third… When they do all 10 tasks they ask their teacher for the clues / solutions. Each student gets the solutions of the other one in the pair. Each correctly done task brings 1 point. Students in pair count the poins and find out who the winner is. They can continue the game with other continents.