What Nonprofits Can Do to Help Increase The Census Count MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN What Nonprofits Can Do to Help Increase The Census Count www.becountedmi2020.com
CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Census The United States has collected data about its population since 1790 and continues to collect data every 10 years. Currently, the National Archives has the 1790 to 1940 census records available to the public. Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution calls for an “enumeration” to be made of the populace “within every subsequent term of 10 years.” The Census is used – among other things – to apportion political power. www.becountedmi2020.com
Census vs. American Community Survey MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Census vs. American Community Survey The Census asks 10 questions – Name Address Gender Age Birthday Race Ethnicity Relationship to head-of-household Owner or rent Phone number The ACS asks more than 50 questions: When was your house built How long is your commute to work Work status Veteran Status Cost of utilities School enrollment Educational Attainment Etc. www.becountedmi2020.com
CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN What’s At Stake Accurate census data are essential for the fair distribution of the country’s 435 congressional seats and for the fair allocation of government resources Michigan is at risk of losing another seat this time More than 15 billion federal and state program dollars were distributed to Michigan communities annually based on census data This is particularly important for Michigan because about 42% of our state budget relies on federal funding www.becountedmi2020.com
Moving to online CENSUS2020 Will save $5.2 Billion Tax Payer Dollars MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Moving to online Will save $5.2 Billion Tax Payer Dollars Every person that completes their census online decreases the need for a Census Taker to knock on their door People will be able to respond from any device – anywhere – instead of responding to a paper form that arrived in their mailbox Response rate should go up & Costs should go down Be more inclusive (languages and vision impairments can be addressed) www.becountedmi2020.com
But there are huge risks CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN But there are huge risks People who don’t have access to the internet (“dead” spots in our community) People who fear technology People who fear the security of their information being transmitted through the internet A new system – with little time to test and 10 years to live with the results www.becountedmi2020.com
CENSUS2020 Who are the hard to count? MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Who are the hard to count? Complex households including those with blended families, multi-generations, or non-relatives Cultural and linguistic minorities Lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer/questioning persons Low income persons Persons experiencing homelessness Persons less likely to use the Internet and others without Internet access Persons residing in places difficult for enumerators to access, such as buildings with strict doormen, gated communities, and basement apartments Persons residing in rural or geographically isolated areas Persons who do not live in traditional housing www.becountedmi2020.com
CENSUS2020 Who are the hard to count? MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Who are the hard to count? Persons who do not speak English fluently (or have limited English proficiency) Persons who have distrust in the government Persons with mental and/or physical disabilities Persons without a high school diploma Racial and ethnic minorities Renters Undocumented immigrants (or recent immigrants) Young children Young, mobile persons www.becountedmi2020.com
Why Nonprofits matter CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Why Nonprofits matter The population you serve and are connected to are the undercounted. You are trusted by these populations. You have access to these populations You can provide access to the online system You can make the case www.becountedmi2020.com
What can and should your nonprofit do to assist in a complete count? CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN What can and should your nonprofit do to assist in a complete count? September 2019- February 2020 Develop a plan for how those your serve will have access to the census 2020 website to complete the form online Develop messages to connect the census to your work Promote census in e-communications Include at a conference or other convening Distribute materials to target audiences, internal and external Host – or advertise someone else’s – Training or Online Webinar Co-Sponsor a Community Event on the Census March – May 2020 Incorporate the census into ongoing outreach, services and advocacy Display Posters – with key messages, where to get help Provide computers and phones for people to use when completing the census www.becountedmi2020.com
Timeline CENSUS2020 March 2020 – Internet Self Response Begins MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Timeline March 2020 – Internet Self Response Begins 1st Postcard Mailings Begin 2nd Postcard Mailing Sent 3rd Postcard Mailing Sent April 1, 2020 – CENSUS DAY 4th Postcard Mailing Sent 5th Postcard Mailing Sent May 2020 – Nonresponse Begins Doorknocking – 1x www.becountedmi2020.com
What should you be doing right now CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN What should you be doing right now Assign a staff person or volunteer as your nonprofit’s census liaison Learn about the census – timeline, impact Discuss at a staff meeting Discuss at a board meeting Learn about the areas of your community that are hard-to-count www.becountedmi2020.com
Explore Why Some won’t respond – and begin to address their fears CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Explore Why Some won’t respond – and begin to address their fears Confidentiality vs. Privacy Fear of Retribution Government Already knows enough about me It doesn’t matter Marginalized www.becountedmi2020.com
Fill your feed CENSUS2020 www.becountedmi2020.com MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Fill your feed www.becountedmi2020.com
Fill your feed CENSUS2020 www.becountedmi2020.com MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Fill your feed www.becountedmi2020.com
Share Information CENSUS2020 www.becountedmi2020.com MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Share Information www.becountedmi2020.com
Provide Technology to your population CENSUS2020 MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Provide Technology to your population www.becountedmi2020.com
Resources: www.census.gov/roam www.BeCountedmi2020.com MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Resources: www.census.gov/roam www.BeCountedmi2020.com www.NonprofitVote.org www.becountedmi2020.com
Questions? Ideas? CENSUS2020 www.becountedmi2020.com MICHIGAN NONPROFITS COUNT CAMPAIGN Questions? Ideas? www.becountedmi2020.com