ORGANIZATION OF CASHEW SECTOR POLICIES IN AFRICA Free Movement of Goods and People in ECOWAS Zone: Case of Agricultural Products Including Cashew Kemji Ajoku (PhD) Department of Industry and Private Sector ECOWAS Commission
ROADBLOCKS, MAJOR OBSTACLE TO TRADE Highways Distances (Km) Number of Checkpoints Checkpoints per 100 Km Lagos-Abidjan 992 69 7 Cotonou-Niamey 1036 34 3 Lome-Ouagadougou 989 4 Abidjan-Ouagadougou 1122 15 Niamey-Ouagadougou 529 37 Accra-Ouagadougou 972 20 2
NUMBER OF CHECK POINTS PER CORRIDOR Commodity Corridors Distance (Km) No. of Check Points Cereals (Maize) Bouake (Côte d’Ivoire) to Niamey (Niger) 1,371 38 Cote d’Ivoire 318 14 Burkina Faso 932 Niger 121 8 Livestock Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to Accra (Ghana) 1,004 62 167 7 Ghana 837 55 Cereals (Millet/Sorghum) Koutiala (Mali) to Dakar (Senegal) 1865 54 Mali 1184 30 Senegal 681 24
ILEGAL PAYMENTS ($) PER CORRIDOR, PER COUNTRY Product Corridor Distance (Km) Illegal Payments ($) Cereals (Maize) Bouake (Cote d’Ivoire to Niamey (Niger) 1,371 331.54 Cote d’Ivoire 318 62.47 Burkina Faso 932 75.13 Niger 121 193.94 Livestock Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to Accra (Ghana) 1,004 408.59 167 173.53 Ghana 837 235.07 Cereals (Millet/Sorghum) Koutiala (Mali) to Dakar (Senegal) 1865 735.96 Mali 1184 358.28 Senegal 681 377.68 Cereals (Parboiled Rice) Bama (Burkina Faso) to Kouri (Mali) 165 385.84 120 204.15 45 181.69 Parakou (Benin) to Niamey (Niger) 605 432.80 Benin 323 282 259.27
CONCLUSION The ECOWAS Free Movement of Persons and Goods & Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS) suffered from implementation challenges in all Member States Appointment of a Head of State to ensure effective implementation of the ECOWAS texts on free movement of persons and goods, the right of residence and establishment Showed pressing interest of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government for free movement, targeting the strengthening of regional integration process. Provided major innovations and opportunities taken to tackle the recurrent issue of harassments at border posts and on road corridors with the hope that strong and appropriate measures are undertaken by Member States to end it.
CASHEW SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS Advocate for Cashew Regional Commodity Exchange (to address access to RCN) Put in Place Mechanisms and Instruments for RCN price stabilization Harmonization of Cashew Policies across the subregion Advocate for Regional Cashew Quality Board Engagement of Stakeholders (with ACA) Support the Cashew International Consultative Council (CICC)