Run chart 1 shows medicines reconciliation initiation data collected monthly on ward A6 of hospital A between October 2013 (national roll-out of the Medication Safety Thermometer) and August 2016. Run chart 1 shows medicines reconciliation initiation data collected monthly on ward A6 of hospital A between October 2013 (national roll-out of the Medication Safety Thermometer) and August 2016. The blue line represents the proportion of patients on the ward whose medicines reconciliation had been initiated at the point of survey. The green line represents the proportion of patients whose medicines reconciliation status was undocumented at the time of survey. The red line represents the mean, which has been adjusted using Special Cause Variation rules (see table 1). Paryaneh Rostami et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:bmjopen-2018-025292 ©2019 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group