The bloodiest single day battle: discovering the battle of Antietam Unit plan – 5th grade Jordan Brown Educ 380
Standards for unit plan: SS.S.H.CL1.3 Summarize key battles, strategies, and turning points of the Civil War (e.g., Fort Sumter, Antietam, Gettysburg, other regional battles and the surrender at Appomattox) SS. 5.H.CL1.4 Compare the roles and accomplishments of historic figures of the Civil War (e.g., Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Clara Barton, and Frederick Douglas, etc.). ELA. 5.W.C9.3 Write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequencing. M.O.5.S.2 Construct, read, interpret tables charts, and graphs including stem and leaf plots to draw reasonable inferences or verify predictions SC.O.5.1.12 Use inferential reasoning to make logical conclusions from collected data
Objectives for the overall unit plan: 1. Students will be able to summarize their knowledge gained about The Battle of Antietam through class discussion and completion of a social studies notebook. 2. Students will be able to access Miss. Brown’s website and view the Video Sources Exploration page about The Battle of Antietam. 3. Summarize information about “key” people in the Battle of Antietam: General George B. McClellan, General Robert E. Lee, Clara Barton, and Abraham Lincoln by completing a page in their social studies notebooks. 4. Students will be able to use the information learned about the four “key” people discussed to help them write a journal entry from the perspective of one of the four people. 5. Students will be able to read, construct, and interpret a chart with information regarding the casualties that occurred during the Battle of Antietam; and make a bar graph. 6. Students will be able to use inferential reasoning from the data collected about the casualties during the Battle of Antietam to complete questions in their social studies notebooks.
Objectives for individual lessons in the unit plan: Objective for Lesson Day 1: Students will be able to summarize their knowledge gained about The Battle of Antietam through class discussion and completion of a social studies notebook. Students will be able to access Miss. Brown’s website and view the Video Sources Exploration page about The Battle of Antietam. Standard for Lesson Day 1: SS.S.H.CL1.3 Summarize key battles, strategies, and turning points of the Civil War (e.g., Fort Sumter, Antietam, Gettysburg, other regional battles and the surrender at Appomattox)
Objectives for individual lessons in the unit plan continued: Standards for Lesson Day 2: SS. 5.H.CL1.4 Compare the roles and accomplishments of historic figures of the Civil War (e.g., Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Clara Barton, and Frederick Douglas, etc.). ELA. 5.W.C9.3 Write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequencing. Objectives for Lesson Day 2: 1. Summarize information about “key” people in the Battle of Antietam: General George B. McClellan, General Robert E. Lee, Clara Barton, and Abraham Lincoln by completing a page in their social studies notebooks. 2. Students will be able to use the information learned about the four “key” people discussed to help them write a journal entry from the perspective of one of the four people.
Objectives for individual lessons in the unit plan continued: Standards for Lesson Day 3: M.O.5.S.2 Construct, read, interpret tables charts, and graphs including stem and leaf plots to draw reasonable inferences or verify predictions SC.O.5.1.12 Use inferential reasoning to make logical conclusions from collected data Objectives for Lesson Day 3: Students will be able to read, construct, and interpret a chart with information regarding the casualties that occurred during the Battle of Antietam; and make a bar graph. Students will be able to use inferential reasoning from the data collected about the casualties during the Battle of Antietam to complete questions in their social studies notebooks.
Technology used in unit plan: Website Video Sources Exploration (using website) Digital Images Project (Glog) ELMO Computer Projector
21st century skills used in this unit plan lesson Day 1: 1. Information, Media, and Technology skills-Information Literacy: Students will access videos from my classroom website to write a short paragraph describing the information in the video and any questions they might have regarding the video. 2. Communication and Collaboration Skills: Students will be put into pairs to explore videos related to The Battle of Antietam. This will require the students to communicate with one another about the content of the videos they watch.
21st century skills used in this unit plan Lesson day 2: Initiative and Self-Direction: Students will be taking the new information about “key” people during The Battle of Antietam and creating a journal entry combining critical thinking skills and creativity with the new information. Along with using the new information to complete an assignment, students must take the individual initiative to complete the assignment independently. 2. Communication and Collaboration Skills: The students will be put into groups and review the information from the past two days. This will require each student to collaborate with one another and answer any questions their classmates may have.
21st century skills used in this unit plan Lesson day 3: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills: Students will be converting data from a chart to complete a bar graph. This will require the students to recall information about how to read a chart and how to design a bar graph from given data.
Assessment for lesson days 1, 2, and 3: Formative Assessment Lesson Days 1, 2, and 3: Each student will be graded on completion of their social studies notebooks each day. Students will be graded on participation and completion of their social studies notebooks. Students will receive a check for a great job, student will receive a plus ( + ) for a satisfactory job, and students will receive a dash ( - ) for an unacceptable job. Overall, this notebook will be counted as a participation grade. Student Name Participation Completion Kathrin + Ethan
Assessment for lesson day 2: Summative Assessment: Lesson Day 2:The students will be graded on their final drafts of their journal writing. Teacher will use a grading rubric. Students will be given a copy of the grading rubric to help them construct their journal writing. Grading Rubric for Journal Writing Content Being Graded: Points Earned: Writer uses correct date of battle: 3 2 1 0 Writer provides a name for the journal: 3 2 1 0 Writer uses correct location of the battle: 3 2 1 0 Writer expresses feeling about the battle: 3 2 1 0 Writer uses vivid descriptions; creativity: 3 2 1 0 Writer uses correct grammar and punctuation: 3 2 1 0 *Writer participated in the writing activity : ) 2 Total points possible: 20 Grade:
Assessment for lesson day 3: Summative Assessment: Lesson Day 3: Completion of bar graph using data from given chart. The bar graph will be graded on appropriate title at the top, title along the X and Y axis, correct numbers along the Y axis, and labels for each bar. Students will be given a list of what their bar graphs need to include. Lesson Day 3 Continued: Completion of follow-up questions about the data using inferential reasoning; teacher will check for accuracy/correctness.