Background Experience with Oracle Databases Familiar with Export/Import Utility RMAN backups Datapump to replace old Export/Import
Introduction More features than the standard export/import Use in addition to RMAN backups Another means to upgrade to a higher version of Oracle
Why Use Datapump DataPump handles Oracle 10g data types. DataPump features DataPump speed
Datapump Components Command line client expdp Command line client impdp DBMS_DATAPUMP (Datapump API) DBMS_METADATA (Metadata API)
Outline Datapump is faster than standard export/import Setup for datapump export Setup for datapump import Datapump features Experiences Kill the job
Datapump Speed Standard Export and Import utilities ran as clients Datapump is run as part of the database instance on the database server Datapump can do parallel work Create multiple thread processes Create multiple data files (file sets)
Datapump Control Master Control Process Master Table Worker Process
Major Features PARALLEL – maximum number of threads START_JOB – ability to restart a job ATTACH – detach and reattach to job NETWORK_LINK – export and import over network REMAP_DATAFILE – import to a different datafile. REMAP_TABLESPACE – map to new tablespace
Additional Datapump Features Filter by using EXCLUDE and INCLUDE VERSION – specify version of objects. Parameters are compatible, latest, or version number.
DataPump Export Setup Make a server file system directory Create a database directory that references the file system directory Grant read write privileges to the directory Grant privileges for full export Create an export parameter file
Default Datapump Directory Oracle default datapump directory DATA_PUMP_DIR $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log/ Information is found in table DBA_DIRECTORIES
Export Preliminary Setup mkdir /backup/<database>/datapump Set up your environment for ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID then sqlplus “/ as sysdba” create DIRECTORY datapump_dir as ‘/backup/<database>/datapump’ ; grant read, write on Directory datapump_dir to <dp_schema> ; grant exp_full_database to <dp_schema> ;
Start Datapump Export Job Expdp parfile=/backup/<database>/datapump/expdp_<database>_<db_schema>.par Expdp <db_schema>/<password> directory=datapump_dir schema=schema dumpfile=expdp_<database>_<schema>.dmp parallel=4 job_name=job_<database>_schema
Example Export Parameter File Userid=<dp_schema>/password Dumpfile=expdp_<database>_<schema>.dmp Logfile=expdp_<database>_<schema>.log Directory=datapump_dir Schemas=schema Job_name=job_expdp_<database>_<schema> Status=240
Datapump Import Setup Make a server file system directory Create a database directory Grant read privileges to directory Grant privileges for full import Create an import parameter file
Import Preliminary Setup mkdir /backup/<database>/datapump Set up your environment for ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID then sqlplus “/ as sysdba” create DIRECTORY datapump_dir as ‘/backup/<database>/datapump’ ; grant read, write on Directory datapump_dir to <dp_schema> grant imp_full_database to <dp_schema>
Start Datapump Import Job impdp parfile=/backup/<database>/datapump/impdp_<database>_<schema>.par impdp <dp_schema>/<password> directory=datapump_dir table_exists_action=truncate dumpfile=impdp_<database>_<schema>.dmp parallel=4 job_name=job_impdp_<database>_<schema>
Example Import Parfile Userid=<dp_schema>/<password> Schemas=<schema> Exclude=grant Directory=datapump_dir Dumpfile=expdp_<database>_<schema>.dmp Table_exists_action=replace
Some Basic Parameters Directory=Datapump_dir - Specify the datapump directory that has been defined in the database Schemas=User1,User2,User3 Dumpfile=datapump_job_file%U.dmp Tables=Table1,Table2 Estimate=Statistics – The default is blocks, to estimate the size of the export
Important Features EXCLUDE you can exclude schemas REMAP_SCHEMA user1 to user2 REMAP_TABLESPACE user1_data to user2_data SQLFILE script of sql (DDL) statements STATUS list status every few seconds JOB_NAME run as an instance job
Exclude EXCLUDE=USER – Exclude a specific user and all objects of that user EXCLUDE=GRANT – Exclude definitions or privileges but not objects of the user EXCLUDE=VIEW, PACKAGE, FUNCTION – Exclude a specific type of object EXCLUDE=INDEX:”LIKE ‘EMP%’” – Exclude indexes whose names start with EMP.
Include INCLUDE=PROCEDURE – Include just the procedure objects INCLUDE=TABLE:”IN (‘MANAGERS’,’FACILITIES’)” INCLUDE=INDEX:”LIKE ‘JOB%’” Note, INCLUDE and EXCLUDE parameters are mutually exclusive
Network_Link NETWORK_LINK=database_link If this is an export then, retrieved data from the referenced database and written to a datapump file. If this is an import then, retrieved data from the referenced database is imported into the current database.
Filters QUERY=employees: ”WHERE department_id >10 AND salary > 10000” QUERY=salary:”WHERE manager_id <> 13” What can I filter with exclude and include – DATABASE_EXPORT_OBJECTS, SCHEMA_EXPORT_OBJECTS, and TABLE_EXPORT_OBJECTS For example – select object_path, comments from schema_export_objects where object_path not like ‘%/%’ ;
Table_Exists_Action Skip Append Truncate Replace
Import Parameters Remap_schema=User1:User2 Remap_tablespace=User1_tblspace:User2_tblspace Transform=OID:N Do not use the original Oracle Identification. Transform=segment_attributes:N Useful when you do not want to keep the original storage definition.
Interactively Work With The Job Check on the status Stop the job Restart the job Kill the job
Check Status of Datapump Job Select job_name, operation, job_mode, state from user_datapump_jobs ; Expdp <dp_schema>/<password> attach=<job_name> Status Exit_Client – Exit client but leave job running Continue_Client – Resume logging
Kill Datapump Job Select job_name, operation, job_mode, state from user_datapump_jobs ; Expdp <dp_schema>/<password> attach=<job_name> Kill_job
Interactive Commands Add_File – Add dumpfile to dumpfile set. Continue_Client – Restart job if idle. Exit_Client – Exit interactive session. Filesize – File size of new files (Add_File). Help – Interactive session commands. Kill_Job – Delete the attached job and exit.
More Interactive Commands Parallel – Specify the maximum number of active workers Set to more than twice the number of CPUs Worker processes are created as needed Reuse_Dumpfiles – Overwrite dump file if it exists Stop_Job – Stop job execution & exit client Start_Job – Start or resume current job
Restrictions DataPump is an Oracle utility, therefore the dump file can only be imported by datapump. You can still get the error snap shot too old. If the job is started using “/ as sysdba”, you need to know the Oracle database system password, to check status, kill job, etc.
Oracle 11g Features Compression – besides none, and metadata_only the new features are all, and data_only Encryption – Oracle 10g exported already encrypted columns. Oracle 11g can encrypt all of the metadata and/or data Data_Options – XML_CLOBS exports XML columns in uncompressed CLOB format
More Oracle 11g Features Partition – On import only. Used to merge partitions into one table. Partition options are departition and merge (all partitions) Transportable – permits exporting metadata for specific tables. Remap_Data – enables data to be modified to obscure sensitive information.
Oracle 11g OEM Tab Data Movement Move Row Data Export to Export files (expdp) Import from Export files (impdp) Import from Database (NETWORK_LINK) Monitor Export and Import Jobs
Problems Encountered The previous run has created the datapump datafile with the same name as current job Space on the tablespaces The job suspends Make the file extensible or add another datafile NFS mounted soft Set event 10298 and bounce the database Migrate to Oracle 11g
Job Will Not Die The datapump processes are killed Drop the master table with the same job name Delete the datapump file The datapump file has been delete or moved Cannot now attach to the job
Review Use datapump as another tool for the DBA Take the time to set it up properly Learn the basic and rich features Create scripts for backups and refreshes
Comments Comments or questions Thank you for coming References: Oracle Database Utilities 10g Release2(10.2), Part #B14215-01 Oracle Database Utilities 11g Release1(11.1), Part#B28319-01 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corp.
The End Last slide: - Speaker: Gary M. Noble - Session name: Data Pump - Contact information for further questions: noblegm@ldschurch.org Be sure to include UTOUG Training Days in the title. Thank You