The great debate Marx and Weber Social Change The great debate Marx and Weber
There is a rift between two of the biggest sociologists on what causes social change As a sociologist you need to understand BOTH of their theories
Karl Marx Has 10 stages of REVOLUTIONARY social change The Communist Manifesto Wrote with Fredrick Engels Economy is the basis for all social chance
Stage #8- Advanced Capitalism Two social classes are in conflict Bourgeoisie Proletariat
Proletariat are alienated They are exploited by the bourgeoisie and in false consciousness False consciousness- when the bourgeoisie are being used, yet they do not know they’re being exploited Marx focuses on the role of religion in this process
The end of Advanced Capitalism A couple bourgeoisie abandon their class and attempt to help the proletariat move from false consciousness to true consciousness How? They teach the proletariat about how they’re exploited The proletariat rise up and start a workers REVOLUTION
Stage #9- Socialism This stage is the ‘working it out’ stage Why? Not intended for everyone to be equal More equal than advanced capitalism
Characteristics of Socialism According to Marx (and Engles) Abolish private ownership of money and land Abolish inheritance rights Free public schools for all kids Heavy progressive income tax on all citizens Heal the urban-rural split Centralization of banking/monetary issues by federal government Government owns all the means of production Confiscation of emigrants’ property Each person would work according to his/her capability Centralization of communication and transportation issues by the federal government
Stage #10- Communism How do we move from socialism to communism? Socialism withers away- and communism begins Each person is equal in power, income, etc. There are no Social classes Power differences between people
Religion in socialism and Communism Marx feels that religion does not NEED to be in socialism or communism IF there is religion then it is only acceptable if the religion promoted equality for all This means no difference in power based in religion
Max Weber Change in society can be any social institution
The Protestant Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism Weber’s work that disproved Marx’s theory that an economic system could be the only base of society Completed about 50 years after Marx’s death
The Protestant Ethic Based on the 5 beliefs of Calvanism There is one-all powerful God, who Predestines each person to either heaven or hell While on earth, each person should glorify God Each individual is supposed to work in their calling Everyone should practice asceticism
Official beliefs vs. unofficial beliefs
The Spirit of Capitalism The pursuit of profit is ethical Pursuit of maximum profit is ethical Practice double entry bookkeeping
What happens when the protestant ethic meets the spirit of capitalism?
How did Weber Prove Marx Wrong?
Marx Weber Full Blown PE & Capitalism Weber