Jubilee USA Network Council meeting, November 17, 2008 Strategic Plan 2009 - 2012 Jubilee USA Network Council meeting, November 17, 2008 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Strategic Planning Process 2009 Launched SP process in Jan 2008 at Coordinating Committee (CC) meeting in San Diego CC formed SP committee, chaired by Pat Rumer, which led the process From March – now: Developed online member survey with more than 120 detailed responses Held focus groups at Columbus grassroots conference and in Washington, DC with members and allies Consulted with Southern partners in Nairobi at Africa Jubilee South meeting; in Ecuador at Jubilee South-North meeting Held a retreat in August in Portland of the SP committee to draft the plan Circulated the draft plan to policy, congregations and grassroots working groups and received input on special conference calls 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Key factors/trends influencing new Jubilee strategic plan Success in winning debt cancellation and with Jubilee Act means we need to strategize on how to keep pushing on our core agenda Food, fuel, and financial crisis now hitting the Global South – and the US Strengthening global South-North Jubilee movement Financial crisis opens up space to address systemic challenges – the need for rules to stop irresponsible finance, stop harmful conditions, etc. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Overall Goal Overall Goal: From 2009-2012, Jubilee USA Network will work towards the eradication of global poverty and sustainable development by building a strong movement and political will for cancellation of unjust debts for countries of the Global South without harmful economic conditions. Jubilee USA will also work to achieve new global economic policies and trade rules that eradicate poverty, promote sustainable human development and prevent recurring, destructive cycles of indebtedness. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #1: Definitive Cancellation of Unsustainable and Illegitimate Debt By 2015, we will have created the political will for the implementation of an international agreement for expanded debt cancellation for impoverished nations without harmful conditions, which will help enable these nations to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), and for the cancellation or repudiation of debt on the grounds of illegitimacy in at least 3 cases. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #1: Definitive Cancellation of Unsustainable and Illegitimate Debt Outcome #1: Win support of the US administration for a new deal on debt, resulting in additional, definitive debt cancellation on the agenda of the G-8 summit by 2010. Push for the implementation of a new international agreement through the 2011 summit and on to 2012 when the US will host the G8. Outcome #2: Win support from the US government for recognition of illegitimate debt and win a comprehensive audit by an official US government agency of past lending to 2 countries by 2010. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #1: Definitive Cancellation of Unsustainable and Illegitimate Debt Outcome #3: U.S. is meeting its commitment to fully fund it share of existing debt cancellation commitments under the MDRI by end 2011. Outcome #4: By end 2011, there is greater information on mechanisms for and uses of funds released by debt cancellation, and Jubilee USA has supported civil society in at least 3 countries (post-HIPC) to ensure accountability for the use of funds. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #2: Towards Responsible Global Finance By 2015, we will have achieved progress towards a just and responsible international finance and trading system which allows developing countries significantly greater flexibility to choose just economic policies, gain independence from foreign assistance, and helps to avoid future debt crises. Issue of English language documents and web access not enough 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #2: Towards Responsible Global Finance Outcome #1: By 2012, there will be significant progress towards the adoption of strong rules that make global finance more responsible and just. By 2012, Congress will pass the Stop Vultures Act. Outcome #2: We will work with partners globally and in the Climate Equity Coalition to keep the World Bank from making loans for climate adaptation while building the political will for grants from the U.S. government and via the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #2: Towards Responsible Global Finance Outcome #3: End Harmful IFI Conditionality. By end 2009, Congress will authorize gold sales for the IMF in exchange for some gold sales going for debt relief and tangible, enforceable restrictions on the IMF’s ability to impose harmful economic conditions on poor countries. Continue campaigns to support expedited consideration for countries stuck in the HIPC process because of excessive IFI conditionality – especially Liberia, Haiti, and DRC. Outcome #4: Link Debt and Trade. By end of 2011, in partnership with trade groups, trade unions and grassroots organizations, we will have developed and established debt-based criteria for assessing trade agreements in order to prevent future indebtedness. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #3: Increased Organizational Capacity By 2012, we will have significantly increased Jubilee USA's organizational capacity by expanding staff, growing the Jubilee Congregations program and developing a larger funding base. Outcome 1: Over next 4 years, we will have obtained a total of at least $400,000 in additional funding over current levels 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Sub-Goal #3: Increased Organizational Capacity Outcome #2: By 2012 Jubilee will have dramatically increased its organizing, research, fundraising, and communications capacity Jubilee will have: Hired three new staff and moved to a new office space by end 2011 Expanded its visibility in the mainstream and niche media through a strategic, comprehensive plan Added 10 additional grassroots chapters and 100 additional active Jubilee Congregations Launched a series of monthly policy update to raise awareness and understanding of global economic justice issues among policy makers Completed an external evaluation of organizational effectiveness in achieving sub goals 1 and 2 and published a report based on the findings of this evaluation. 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Campaign/advocacy priorities in 2009 Major grassroots campaigns in 2009 Win support of new administration for Jubilee Act agenda; passage of Jubilee Act in House and Senate, building towards goal of debt on the agenda by June 2010 G-8 Build support for Stop Vultures Act [with vulture funds coalition] Win support for IMF reform and sale of gold for debt relief [with IMF Working Group] Discrete advocacy opportunities 4. Reduce WB’s role in lending for climate adaptation; win support for grants and renewable clean energy via USG and UN processes [With Climate Equity campaign] 5. Follow the appropriations process to ensure US meets its commitments [with ONE, InterAction] [Month to month campaign activities will depend heavily on administration’s response and Congressional calendars] 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Timeline 2009 - 2010 January 2009 What’s On Your Heart campaign? Meeting of religious leaders with new Treasury Secy New Resource release on financial crisis and irresponsible lending February 2009 Reintroduction of Jubilee Act in House/Senate and Stop Vultures Act in House March 2009 13 – 16 Ecumenical Advocacy Days with focus on Climate change New resource released on climate change and debt 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Timeline 2009 - 2010 April 2009 IMF/World Bank meetings: media opportunity New Resource: Updated Education and Action packet including stand-alone Debt Relief works update May 2009 9 – Jubilee Shabbat (Leviticus 25) New Resource: Launch Jewish Congregations guide and Christian guide 2.0 June 2009 1st Regional conference held. Location TBD 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Timeline 2009 - 2010 August 2009 New resources developed with Center of Concern on trade and responsible lending October 2009 October 17 – Stand Up! actions and global week of action on debt Mid-October – Speaking tour focused on audit countries – DRC, Ecuador October 25-27 – Lobby training, Lobby day, and Network Council meetings in Washington, DC November 2009 1 – Jubilee Sunday (Psalm 146) 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Timeline 2009 - 2010 January 2010 Jubilee Delegation to Africa to launch 2010 focus year (Lesotho/Zambia or Kenya/Ghana?) in partnership March 2010 Speaking tour (funds dependent) April 2010 Lobby days in DC May 2010 1 – Jubilee Shabbat (Leviticus 25) June 2010 2nd Regional conference 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network
Timeline 2009 - 2010 July 2010 G8 summit – Goal of US bringing debt policy ask to summit Sept 2010 UN Summit in NYC on 5 years left to MDGs – if no action by G-8, this could be an opportunity for major mobilization on theme like “what’s it going to take to end poverty” highlighting urgency 19 – Jubilee Sunday (Amos 8:4-7 and Luke 16: 1-13) Nov 2010 Congressional mid-term elections Jubilee USA Network Council meeting 10/3/2019 Jubilee USA Network