Parker Junior High 2017 – 2018 Parent Meeting National Junior Honor Society 2017 – 2018 Parent Meeting
Agenda Introduction By-laws Guidelines Binders Required Meeting Dates TBD Officer Elections NJHS Polo Orders & Fees
NJHS By-laws & Guidelines Guideline forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Fotopoulos or Mrs. Senodenos by September 12, 2017
Service Activities Pledge – weekly Lost & Found – weekly Paper Recycling – weekly Open House Fall Food Drive Fundraisers Maredy Products Parent Conferences – Fall Concerts, Plays, Musical, Athletics etc. Library Help
Binders Service Point Verification Forms Binder checks throughout the year Please note: It’s recommended to aim to get 2 points per month
Required Meeting Dates Meetings are mandatory for ALL members. We will hold one NJHS meeting per month. Calendars will be available on Parker NJHS Group Page Meetings start at 3:05pm and will end at 3:35pm Additional meetings will be held: May (Induction Practice & Ceremony)
Officer Elections President Runs all meetings; helps to set agendas; speaks at Graduation Vice-President Same duties as the President; acts as President when he/she is not able; speaks at Graduation Secretary (2) Types agendas; takes notes at meetings; speaks at Induction Ceremony Treasurer Manages money; speaks at Induction Ceremony Historian (3) Manages bulletin board; takes pictures of activities; speaks at Induction Ceremony **Elections will be held during our first meeting. **Presidential Candidates will be asked to give a short speech explaining why he/she would make a great NJHS President.
NJHS Polo Orders & Fees Fees and order forms need to be returned to Mrs. Fotopoulos or Mrs. Senodenos By September 12, 2017