Oh the places you’ll go . . .
Know What to Expect More: Courses to choose from New teachers & classmates Extracurricular activities Independence = responsibility Emphasis on academic achievement Social events Consequences of failing Need for time management
1.) Understand your Academic Record Diplomas Advanced vs. regents 4-year plan Grade point average (GPA) Average of grades on 4.0 scale Class Rank Shows where stand in relation to other students in same grade Transcript Details academic achievement in grades 9-12
Advanced Regents Requirements Subjects Number of Units Regents Exams Regent Exams (65%) English 4 1 English-11th Grade Social Studies 2 Global History-10th grade US History and Government-11th grade Mathematics 3 Integrated Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra/Trigonometry Science One Physical Setting and One Living Environment Art/Music Health 0.5 Physical Ed. Second Language LOTE (Language Other Than English)-10th grade Electives/Sequences 1.5 Total 22 9
Regents Requirements English-11th grade Global History-10th grade Subjects Number of Units / Credits Number of Regents Exams Regent Exams (65 %) English 4 1 English-11th grade Social Studies 2 Global History-10th grade US History and Government-11th grade Mathematics 3 Integrated Algebra- 9th Grade Science One Physical Setting or One Living Environment Art/Music Health 0.5 Physical Ed. Second Language Electives/Sequences 3.5 Total 22 5
Example 4 Year Plan 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 Global 9 Global 10 U.S. History and Government Economics and Government Math Math elective Science / Lab Science elective LOTE LOTE elective Art or Music Health (1/2 credit) elective Phys. Ed. (1/2 credit) Phys. Ed. (1/2 credit) Phys. Ed. (1/2 credit) Study Hall / elective
Freshman vs. Senior Transcript
2.) Know your School Calendar Attendance/tardy policies Ex: when each grading period ends, holidays, etc. Attendance/tardy policies You are expected to be in school every day, on time, unless ill Request & make-up missed assignments & assessments Code of conduct/school rules So school will run smoothly & everyone will be safe Athletic eligibility Grade/attendance requirements to play sports
3.) Be in School Everyday To succeed in high school, you must have good attendance If you know you’re going to miss school, try to get assignments ahead of time
4.) Know how to get Good Grades Be organized Ex: use your agenda, have phone numbers for classmates, etc. Manage your time well Ex: create a study plan that works for you, make a “to do” list, etc. Be successful in the classroom Ex: learn how to adapt to different teaching styles, don’t leave class with unanswered questions, etc. Take good notes Ex: take notes that are neat & easy to read, etc. Know how to read a textbook Ex: before you start, look over the headings and words in bold & italic, etc. Study smart Ex: find a good place to study, focus on one thing at a time, etc. Use test-taking strategies Ex: mark questions you want to return to, etc.
5.) Set Goals Set both short & long-term goals Helps to determine where you want to go & what you want to accomplish SMART: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, & timed Ex: Try harder in math vs. get a B in math this semester
6.) Get Involved The more you put into it, the more you get out of it Spend time with friends & meet new ones Enjoy school more Become a leader Relieve stress Provide a valuable service Volunteer Try something new Have activities to put on applications Develop a variety of skills & talents Have Fun Outside of school & over summers Focus & prioritize activities Depth of involvement
7.) Make Good Choices/Decisions Determine choices Write down positives & negatives Make sure you have all the information Think & decide Evaluate & adjust
8.) Know how to Handle Stress Take a deep breath Starting at the top of your head, flex and then relax each part of your body Think of a place where you feel very relaxed & calm Visualize being there Talk to friends & family Keep a sense of humor Take a hot bath
9.) Use Available Services Teacher office hours Tutors Teachers, coaches, counselors, etc.
10.) Plan & Prepare for your Future Choose courses carefully Challenge yourself Advanced placement vs. honors vs. regents courses Choose a career that’s right for you Consider skills/abilities, values/interests, job market, etc. Prepare for your career Meaningful courses, internships, etc. High school career/technology programs BOCES
10.) Plan & Prepare for your Future Continued 4-year college/university (Bachelor) Public vs. private 2-year community/technology college (Associates) Career/trade school Military Apprenticeship Graduate school (Master/Doctorate)
10.) Plan & Prepare for your Future Continued Why important? Income Options Explore Expectation The better your education, the more opportunities you will have & the better choices you will make
Education vs. Income
Final Thoughts Freshman year counts Use abstract thinking Expect grades to fall & classes to get tougher So increase your efforts & discover your routine You will succeed!