WHY DO WE SELL POPCORN? 70%+ Return to Scouting Fund our unit’s Scouting program Scout character development Improve our camps and council resources OVER $4 BILLION Returned to SCOUTING SINCE 1980 A brief reminder of why we sell. The Scouts grow & learn, we support our Council, and we fund our program.
WHAT IS OUR SCOUTING PROGRAM? Fund all your Scouting related expenses and activities that you want your Scouts to enjoy this year through Popcorn. Yearly Membership Dues Christmas Party Boys Life Magazine Blue & Gold Banquet Advancements & Awards Pinewood Derby Camping Trips & More! Hikes The Ideal Year of Scouting is all of the activities and events that you have planned for your Scouting Year. This is the first step to building excitement and earning buy-in with your parents – popcorn can fund ALL of these activities.
HOW DO WE SELL? Download and sell with the Trail’s End App. The app supports all the ways our unit sells. Grocery Stores Other Storefronts Wagon Sales / Door-to-Door Friends & Family At the Office Online Learn more at App.Trails-End.com/Scouts The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
HOW TO SELL WITH THE APP? This slide has a video imbedded. I removed the video to shrink the file size. This is the video I play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqyzkaqBmfM The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
HOW TO SELL WITH THE APP The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
HOW TO SELL WITH THE APP The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
HOW TO SELL WITH THE APP The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
APP WEBINARS FOR VOLUNTEERS Unit Leader Webinars 2x on Thursdays: Now through September 12 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. CT Saturdays: July 20: 11 a.m. CT August 24: 11 a.m. CT Register for a unit webinar at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unit-leader-app-webinar-registration-60637144331 The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
APP WEBINARS FOR VOLUNTEERS The basic method of selling – Storefronts, Wagon (Door to Door), etc.
TRAIL’S END REWARDS Buy the prizes YOU want with an Amazon.com Gift Card! Check out the prize flyer for ideas and then build your Amazon.com Wish List. Learn more at Rewards.Trails-End.com August 12 – November 3 Earn one entry for every $100 in credit card sales (App + online sales) to qualify each week. Weekly vacation giveaways and $10 Amazon.com Gift Cards. If your prize sheet is more than one page, you may need to duplicate this slide. Blow up the image as much as you can so the Scouts can see the prizes. Build this up as BIG DEAL. Make sure that EVERY Scout gets a copy of the prize sheet on their way out the door. One of the game rotations should include marking down their prize goal on a roster. Your popcorn team can help each Scout come up with a plan to achieve their goal.
LONGHORN COUNCIL REWARDS If your prize sheet is more than one page, you may need to duplicate this slide. Blow up the image as much as you can so the Scouts can see the prizes. Build this up as BIG DEAL. Make sure that EVERY Scout gets a copy of the prize sheet on their way out the door. One of the game rotations should include marking down their prize goal on a roster. Your popcorn team can help each Scout come up with a plan to achieve their goal.
TRAIL’S END REWARDS This slide has a video imbedded. I removed the video to shrink the file size. This is the video I play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq3pby76NCU Send the Scouts Outside with the Cubmaster and a couple of Volunteers. Play Popcorn Games & Identify
SCOUTS GROW Character Development Gain Confidence Goal Setting Money Management Public Speaking Overcoming Fear & Rejection Earn their way… Talk to the parents about WHY we’re selling.
WE’VE MADE IT EASY We’ve made it easier than ever to sell popcorn this year… Trail’s End App Accept Credit Cards Automatic Sales Tracking Book SNS Weekend & Weekday Shifts Check out product to Scouts/families Wagon Sales Go Door-2-Door w/product Previously referred as “Show & Deliver” Online Sales w/Free Shipping! Explain to the parents all of the steps you’ve taken to make the sale as easy as possible.
OUR GOAL We want to fund our Scouting program entirely with popcorn! Each Scout will work 5 storefront shifts (2 hours each) OR sell a minimum of $1,000 in popcorn. Scouts can work additional storefront shifts, sell door-to-door with a wagon, sell at their parents’ workplace, and online to friends and family. The more Scouts sell, the bigger the prize they earn! Last year Scouts averaged $125/hr in sales. This expands the Scout goal to the Unit level. Expect objections! Even finish the slide with “I know $30,000 sounds like a lot, but this wasn’t our idea. Pack 2017 gave us their system, and we’re going to share that with you.”
STOREFRONT SETUP A list of all the equipment you need… Popcorn Table Banner Table Cloth Cashbox Cooler Laminated instructions, reminders, & TOF Smartphone Fill in your council’s commission that was paid out. Stress the importance of monies earned
WAGON SALES Boost your sales beyond Storefronts! Check-Out Popcorn Sell Door-to-Door Sell to Friends & Family Sell at Work Return Unsold Popcorn on 10/10 Fill in your council’s commission that was paid out. Stress the importance of monies earned
ONLINE SALES Share your online fundraising page from the app! Free Shipping! Average online order is $73 Create your fundraising page with your story, Scouting photos and videos Share your page every Sunday via: Social (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Text Message Email Each share averages $33 in sales Fill in your council’s commission that was paid out. Stress the importance of monies earned
MAKE YOUR PLAN How do you build a plan to achieve your goal? Let’s say you want to sell $1,500 in popcorn. 1. Scouts work five 2-hour solo storefront shifts. Scouts average $125/hr. $1,250 2. Scouts each sell door-to-door to their neighbors for about an hour. $125 Scouts sell to two friends and family online. The average online sale is over $73! $146 Goal $1,521 Show how easy it is to hit $1,000 in 8 hours or less as in this example
Top Seller Pledge Pledge to Sell $1,000, Earn 1 pie Each additional $1,000 in sales earns an extra pie BONUS PIES! Top Seller in your Den #1 Military Donations & More We start building excitement…
TOP SELLER What are the steps to being a Top Seller? 1. Scouts work 8 solo storefront shifts (2 hours each). Scouts average $125/hr. $2,000 2. Scouts each sell door-to-door to their neighbors for about a two hours. $250 Scouts sell to four friends and family online. The average online sale is over $73! $292 Goal $2,542 How does a Scout become a Top Seller? Break down the math. Show how easy it can be if you follow the plan.
TOP SELLER PLEDGE Thinking of being a Top Seller? Sign the Pledge Pie Face a Leader! If a Scout & Parent sign the Top Seller Pledge, they get to pie face a leader AT the kickoff!
TOP SELLER PLEDGE Thinking of being a Top Seller? Sign the Pledge Pie Face a Leader! If a Scout & Parent sign the Top Seller Pledge, they get to pie face a leader AT the kickoff!
KEY DATES SNS pick up Aug 16 & 17 Weekly replenishment Thursdays (8/22 to 10/17) Product returns Oct 10 Chocolate available Oct 10 Sale ends Oct 31 Unit-to-unit transfers complete Oct 31 Last product pick up Nov 15 & 16 Money due to council Dec 2 Key Dates & Info
Product Pick Up & Replenishment (north) LOGISTICS Product Pick Up & Replenishment (north) Driveline Retail Merchandising 700 Freeport Parkway Suite 100 Coppell, TX 75019 Order in the TE popcorn system by Monday at 6pm. Pick up every Thursday 2-8pm from August 22 to October 17. ALL PRODUCT ORDERS (including replenishment) WILL BE INPUT VIA THE TRAIL’S END POPCORN SYSTEM. Key Dates & Info
LOGISTICS Driveline Retail Merchandising 700 Freeport Pkwy Suite 100 Coppell, TX 75019 Key Dates & Info
Product Pick Up (south) LOGISTICS Product Pick Up (south) Waco / Temple / Killeen (TSTC / Crossroads / Central Transportation) Order in the TE popcorn system by Monday at 6pm. Pick up in Waco (dates & time TBD). ALL PRODUCT ORDERS (including replenishment) WILL BE INPUT VIA THE TRAIL’S END POPCORN SYSTEM. Key Dates & Info
PRODUCT MIX Key Dates & Info
PRODUCT UPDATES Formula improvements for Salted Caramel and White Cheddar Larger bag of White Cheddar; going to 9oz! (was 5.25oz in 2018) Key Dates & Info
Over $45 million worth of popcorn donated to U.S. Troops! MILITARY DONATIONS Over $45 million worth of popcorn donated to U.S. Troops! $30 Silver Level Donation $50 Gold Level Donation These are the products for the year. You will need to edit the images and prices – each Council sells a different product mix and sets their own pricing. If you need the images, e-mail sean.stanford@trails-end.com and I’ll get them for you. Get through this slide quickly. Focus on any changes and move on. Don’t get bogged down in discussions about flavors.
COMMISSION Show-N-Sell Sales + Take Order Sales = TOTAL SALES • 30% Base Commission • 35% Commission if your total sales are $10,000 • 37% Commission if your total sales are $17,500 Commission for online sales will be 30% and is calculated on total online sales that are entered between January 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019 and will be paid to the unit as a credit on your invoice. Key Dates & Info
CONTACT INFORMATION Longhorn Council Admin Support Kathy.McLean@scouting.org 817.231.8561 Council Staff Advisor James.Johnson@scouting.org 214.679.5851 Volunteer Popcorn Coordinator Eric Lloyd boyscoutpopcorn662@gmail.com 214.535.1792 Provide contact information for key members of your popcorn team.
Questions & Answers Q&A Q&A – Be ready for the questions the parents may have. It’s good to talk about your kickoff plan with other leaders, so they can give you an idea of what questions to expect.