Professional Development for Community Nurses – Bridging the Gap Between Acute Experience and Community Caseloads A quality initiative developed between.


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Development for Community Nurses – Bridging the Gap Between Acute Experience and Community Caseloads A quality initiative developed between the PHN service North Dublin and NMPDU CHO 9 Gillian Byrne, CRGN Claire Hickey, CRGN Community Healthcare Organisation 9 – PHN Service

Background North Dublin Community Area – Coolock to Balbriggan via coast, part of Community Healthcare Organisation 9 No of RGNs - 30.5 WTE Population – approx. 270,000 and growing Health centres - 16 Extended roles – wound management, diabetic foot care, catheters, PICC line management etc

Community Nursing PHN course – 1 year full-time. Immersion in caseload management, population health profiling, adult and child health. Preceptorship in place full time for year RGN – previously very little induction and support, no formal community education requirement, level of support depended on health centre you were allocated to, all learning informal, reactive and ‘on the job’.

RGN Forum Established 2017 – Practice Development Initiative, informal email invitation to meet with PDC to look at specific needs of RGNs Aim Networking Professional development Support Peer led group Promote best practice Address educational deficits Address induction

First Meeting No agenda Huge attendance Issues raised in informal manner Challenges in service discussed Agreement that the forum would be a good thing, should be peer led, and should address specific needs of community RGNs

Education deficits Gap identified mainly by RGNs with more than two Years experience in the community Caseload management Population health profiling Best practice / care planning Adherence to standards Continuation of care Transitional care giving between acute and community

Search for Solution Some courses in Universities – some staff had completed these however felt the content didn’t meet their needs Wanted more practical grounded information Wanted delivery over 5 days consequently – allow time to immerse in programme Wanted some self care as role very stressful, difficult challenging situations

What did we do? Discussion with Practice Development Coordinator Linked in with NMPDU for support to develop bespoke programme Anne Brennan, Director of NMPDU came to an RGN forum meeting to discuss our needs with us Project officer nominated to work with RGN forum leads Rough timetable / content drawn up

Nursing Midwifery Planning & Development Unit Procurement Document prepared Budget proposition with Director NMPDU Tender process Successful tender procured for 4 programmes over two years Accreditation with NMBI (35 Credits)

Criteria RGN in Community (included those working in CIT, HCP and those reporting to DPHN) Longer service first, as it was felt programme was more needed Accessed by 3 areas North Dublin – 5 places per area to promote cross area sharing of ideas and practice

Feedback 3 courses now completed Overall feedback excellent Empowering Covered all areas which had been identified at RGN forum Designed by RGNs for RGNs

Recommendation Mandatory for all community RGNs Repeat every 3-5 years refresher Benefit of RGN Forum – sustainable as it is peer led, Chaired by RGN PHNs now requesting a similar programme

Thank You!