Biomes of the World The Forest Forest Biomes represent the largest and most ecologically complex systems. They contain a wide assortment of trees, plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, insects and micro-organisms which vary depending on the zone's climates. Sadly, boreal and rainforest biomes are being cut down at an alarming rate, with hundreds of species of plants and animals disappearing from the planet on a daily basis.
The End By Denise Meagher Rm 8
Tropical Rainforest It will rain just about every day due to the high humidity. That humidity mixes with the heat to create cumulus clouds. For millions of years it has been this way in this particular biome.
THE END By Amanda Fieler
THE DESERT When you imagine a desert, what do you think of first THE DESERT When you imagine a desert, what do you think of first? Maybe it's sand, heat, or Gila monsters, but most likely it's cactus. Cacti are probably the most memorable characteristic of the desert. In all of the Speedy Gonzales cartoons, Speedy is always leading his unsuspecting predators into a cactus. And what is in the background as Wily Coyote accidentally blows himself up with Acme dynamite? Cacti of course!
THE END By Tim Reynolds
The Fresh Water Marsh Biome A freshwater marsh is a marsh that contains fresh water. They are usually found near the mouths of rivers and are present in areas with low drainage. It is the counterpart to the salt marsh, an upper coastal intertidal zone of bio-habitat which is regularly flushed with sea water.
The Grassland Biome Grassland biomes are large, rolling terrains of grasses, flowers and herbs. Latitude, soil and local climates for the most part determine what kinds of plants grow in a particular grassland. A grassland is a region where the average annual precipitation is great enough to support grasses, and in some areas a few trees. The precipitation is so eratic that drought and fire prevent large forests from growing. Grasses can survive fires because they grow from the bottom instead of the top. Their stems can grow again after being burned off. The soil of most grasslands is also too thin and dry for trees to survive.
By Mikayla Geanoulis The END