COMMUNICATION… 1) With your Assignor 2) With your Crew during the week 3) Once at the School 4) With Timers, Chain Crews, Ball People 5) PreGame with Coaches (Wings) 6) IN GAME with Players 7) IN GAME with Coaches 8) IN GAME with Crewmates
With Your Assignor… 1) Understand the timing if you have to turn back a game. 2) Call immediately if you have a problem in your game, esp. Player/Coach DQ. 3) Respond immediately if asked to do so. 4) Never comment publicly about a school, player, coach, game or official, esp. to Media outlets. 5) Protect your Assignor with the schools. 6) Never post officiating information (locations, schools, games, crewmates) to Social Media either before or after. THE WORLD IS NUTS!!
With Your Crew… Do your game-week work… Film Review, Quizzes, Pre-Game responsibilities, etc. 2) Be attentive to travel/logistical items, including arrival times. Always Confirm. 3) Confirm details about the next venue. 4) Complete Post-Game reports promptly. DON’T BE “THAT GUY”
At the School… 1) Crew Chief communicate with host School during the week. 2) We are just like down markers, chains, goal posts. 3) Accommodations won’t change just because we complain. Don’t sweat them… Unless… 4) The Walls have Ears…!! 5) Be pleasant, polite, professional. 6) Others have the last word, not the five of us. 7) Treat everyone you see like a gentleman. Not because they are; because you are.
LET ME REPEAT… Be: pleasant, polite, professional. with everyone you encounter at the school, especially Auxiliary personnel, Players and Coaches.
With Timers, Chain Crews, Ball People… 1) Introduce yourself. 2) Get their names. 3) Remind them they are vital. 4) Thank them for being there to help “us” be our best. 5) Tell them to not do anything on their own. 6) Have a crisp, concise Pre-Game meeting. 7) “We’ve been doing this together for 30 years…” 8) Discuss when corrections are needed. 9) Execute corrections calmly!!
Pre-Game with Coaches (Wings)… 1) Introduce yourself. 2) Calling him “Coach”, or using his first name???? 3) Discuss Sideline Management and calling TO’s. 4) Don’t give a Rules clinic. Answer if he asks. 5) Don’t ever offer: “If you have any questions or I can help you, just let me know.” 6) Keep the meeting short.
IN GAME with PLAYERS… 1) Don’t call them ladies, girls, boys. 2) Talk to them after every play. 3) Comment on good plays. 4) Don’t threaten with emotion. “Help” them. 5) Don’t “ask” them; TELL them politely, calmly; with “Please”. 6) Avoid: “I need you to…/You need to… 7) Don’t react emotionally to their frustrations. 8) Penalize without emotion.
IN GAME with COACHES… 1) Say something positive as soon as possible. 2) Never yell. 3) Don’t address statements. Listen if you must and move on. 4) Address coaches OFF THE FIELD. 5) Back players up when necessary, not a coach. 6) Use “I Ruled…” when necessary. 7) Avoid: “Would you…”, “Could you…”,“I need you to…”. TELL them with “Please”. 8) Enlist their help with problem players. “Tattle” if you have to. 9) Engage without emotion. 10) Calmly convey when you’ve had enough. 11) I never say: “Coach, I’m sorry you’re mad.”
IN GAME with CREWMATES… 1) Counting Players 2) Offensive players on/off LOS 3) Forward Progress 4) Cross-field Progress 5) Complete/Incomplete passes 6) Fumbles/Incomplete Passes (Bean bags) 7) Know what you don’t know…!!! 8) Whistles 9) Correct Clock – R/BJ 10) Play clock signal/RFP… (Covering Off./R/BJ)
Finally… The Game doesn’t have to be a confrontation- Don’t make it one. We are not competing against either team or either coach. There’s nothing to win… Don’t try. Don’t be dismissive of the Coaches. Know when/how to end conversations. Don’t be a crab. Sarcasm never works. Use humor judiciously. Smile when its appropriate. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING…. YOURS WILL SHOW!!!