Balancing Field Experiences and Course Work Dr. Shannon Harmon edTPA Annual Conference Fall 2017
Overview and Session Goals Overview of Residency 1 Examine Samples Think-Pair-Share with Focus Questions Questions, Summary, Wrap Up Session Goals 1. To examine our Residency program- field experiences and course work during the same semester. 2. To identify ways to better balance field experiences and course work while meeting state and national standards. 3. To discuss how our Residency program properly prepares candidates for student teaching as well as state and national standards, including edTPA. .
Residency I ELED 4410 ELED 4340 READ 4130 ELED4350
What is Residency 1? Field experience Course work Host school site Approx. 8 sites with 12-14 candidates each Course work ELED 4350: Theory to Practice ELED 4340: Managing Learning Environment ELED 4410: Effective Instruction READ 4130: Corrective Reading
Residency 1 Work in field 2 full days a week Attend and actively participate in courses each week Attend and actively participate in various seminars throughout the semester 1 semester in Senior year prior to Student Teaching (R2) (approx 13 weeks)
Residency 1 Lead teach 6 lessons: plan and implement (4350) Attend 3 grade level meetings (4340) Attend an IEP meeting (4340) Complete learning reflection logs (4350) Video and reflect on lead teach lessons (4350) Work with an at-risk reader (4130) Plan and Implement a lesson segment (4410)
Your Turn Review the samples at your tables. What are you noticing?
In what ways do these tasks align or not with edTPA? Focus Questions In what ways do these tasks align or not with edTPA? In what ways do these tasks align or not with CAEP?
R1 and edTPA What we have found…Everything in R1 prepares candidates for edTPA! Our data shows candidates scoring well after these experiences but still struggle with academic language. Any suggestions for improvement on these tasks?
R1 and CAEP What we hope…CAEP alignment is strong and will be recognized by reviewers. We intend to use the lesson segment and lesson plans as part of our CAEP data.
Questions? Please email me with any thoughts and ways we can improve our work. Thank you!