Mindfulness & Wellness Dim the lights. Play soft music. Pass around aromatherapy oils for staff to inhale and breathe in & out. However you are feeling in this moment, let it be. Be free in your thoughts, feelings, emotions. Regardless of whether the feelings are pleasant or unpleasant, let it be. Surrender in this moment to being free and allowing your mind to follow the sounds of the music as you relax your body and mind. Presented By: Kendall Wilson-Flippin
If we don’t pay attention to the moments of our everyday life, we continue to move through life in an overload of encounters and experiences that we do not take the time to process, hold as a memory, and feel in the present moment. Our brain, does not embed for the long-term these quick pass through life moments. Our brain does not weave together these moments to retain, but instead they flow over and are considered moments that temporarily caught our attention but were not fully lived. Learning the art of mindfulness takes an open will, open heart and open mind along with discipline. In our session we will disconnect from distractions and begin to learn ways we can be mindful by being present, by being in control of life and not allowing life to control you.
Benefits of Mindfulness to Your Overall Wellness Emotional Spiritual Social Environ. Intellectual Physical Financial By Definition Cultivates Awareness Reduces Stress By Practice Breath Control Meditation Body Awareness Yoga Practices for Implementation Writing Drama Music Movement Visual Arts Pass out slips of paper for different staff members to read aloud when their number is called. #1 Mindfulness is not finding something to do when you need to relax. #2 Mindfulness is not religion. #3 Mindfulness is not transcending ordinary life (it is experiencing oneself more fully; intimate contact). #4 Mindfulness is not emptying our minds of thoughts (the brain always produces thoughts). #5 Mindfulness is not difficult (it is a practice). #6 Mindfulness is not escape from pain (makes emotional space for pain).
MINDFULNESS IN OUR WORK: Mind & Body Link Thoughts affect feelings which affect appearance. The mind and body communicate with one another. Let’s flood our body with positive thinking. Notice any emotions present and how they are expressed in the body. If the thought, feeling or emotion is negative- 1. stop what you are doing. 2. consider a mindfulness practice that you would like to do.
The Best Yes To Wellness Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Take deep breaths, inhaling in and out, as you count in your mind to 5. Speak a word of positivity, encouragement and/or affirmation to someone and/or yourself (i.e., quote) Look at yourself in the mirror for 2 minutes to check-in with your inner self. Tap into how you really feel and are thinking. Rotate your head in full circular motion from right to left. Roll your shoulders back and forth. Laugh – a joke, or moment, shared with someone or alone Stretch parts of your body to relieve tension Play soft music as you close your eyes and intently listen to the rhythm, beats & lyrics (if applicable) Think about and Sketch a picture that makes you smile. Light a candle or aromatherapy to bring a sense of calm to your environment. Enjoy “smart” foods and drinks to improve your energy, memory and concentration. Locate & view an image (painting; photography; video) that brings back a happy memory Close your eyes to rest and refuel with no sound for 30 minutes. Read a poem or song lyrics with an encouraging message; forward to someone who will also enjoy & benefit Organize your space and/or decorate it with a new addition. Look out of the window, focusing on an object or space and its’ beauty. Journal about your day ( 3 good things), an activity or idea you want to pursue for at least 5 minutes. Take a walk around the office, house or outdoors to observe the details of your environment for 15 minutes Nurture a relationship (reconnect) through sharing & listening to one another’s concerns Do something you find to be fun. The Best Yes To Wellness A FOCUS & FLOW… How do you spend your time? What & Whom do you give your attention to? *Passion *Purpose *Plan Focus: pay particular attention to. Flow: The action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream. A steady continuous stream of something. In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.