APUSH Major Primary Sources Period 8 (1945-1980) Includes paintings, engravings, photographs, political cartoons, speeches, documents with hyperlinks for additional information and video links. Also includes secondary source maps, charts, and historical depictions. Compiled by John Burkowski Jr. Academy for Advanced Academics
The Long Telegram George Kennan 1946
The Cold War: A Study in U.S. Foreign Policy Walter Lippmann 1947
Truman Doctrine Harry S. Truman 1947
Map of the Marshall Plan
Map of NATO and Warsaw Pact
Electoral Map: 1948
Byron Rollins November 4, 1948
“It’s Okay – We’re Hunting Communists” Herbert Block 1947
The Red Iceberg 1960
Electoral Map: 1952
Electoral Map: 1956
Map of National System of Interstate and Defense Highways
Farewell Address ”Military-Industrial Complex” Dwight D Farewell Address ”Military-Industrial Complex” Dwight D. Eisenhower 1961 Video
Levittown in 1957
The Good Wife’s Guide Housekeeping Monthly May 1956
Interim Report on Comic Books and Juvenile Delinquency Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency 1955
Electoral Map: 1960
Inaugural Address John F. Kennedy 1961 Video
Majority Decision – Brown v. Board Chief Justice Earl Warren 1954
Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan aka The Scream Image Ira Wilmer Counts, Jr. September 4, 1957
Sit In in Jackson, Mississippi Fred Blackwell 1963
William Gadsden Attacked by Police Dogs in Birmingham Bill Hudson May 3, 1963
Excerpt from Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963
Excerpt from I Have a Dream Speech Martin Luther King, Jr Excerpt from I Have a Dream Speech Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963 Video Excerpt
Excerpt from The Ballot or the Bullet Malcolm X 1964
Excerpt from The Basis of Black Power Stokely Carmichael 1966
Great Society Speech Lyndon Johnson 1964 Video Excerpt
Excerpt from The Conscience of a Conservative Barry Goldwater 1960
Daisy Ad 1964
Electoral Map: 1964
Excerpt from Gulf of Tonkin Resolution U.S. Congress 1964
Excerpt from Why We Are in Vietnam Lyndon Johnson 1965
Excerpt from Great Decisions Walter Lippmann 1966
Congressional Record General Curtis LeMay 1967
Saigon Execution Photograph by Eddie Adams 1968
Napalm Girl Photograph by Nick Ut 1972
Port Huron Statement Student for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1962
Electoral Map: 1968
Address to the Nation (Silent Majority) Richard Nixon 1969 Video
Kent State John Paul Filo 1970
Electoral Map: 1972
”Look – Nice Tapes – Okay, Boy. – Okay ”Look – Nice Tapes – Okay, Boy? – Okay? –” Herbert Block October 24, 1973
Excerpt from Silent Spring Rachel Carson 1962
Excerpt from For the Equal Rights Amendment Shirley Chisolm 1969
Excerpt from “Hearing: The Equal Rights Amendment” Gloria Steinem 1970
Interview with the Washington Star Phyllis Schlafly 1976
Excerpt from We Shall Overcome Cesar Chavez 1965
Electoral Map: 1976
Crisis of Confidence aka Malaise Speech Jimmy Carter 1979 Video Excerpt