WG DIKE training 8 November 2017, Copenhagen Use of MSFD 2018 Reporting Tools
Introduction Webforms development: Database development: CDR: Webforms developed in http://webq2test.eionet.europa.eu/ Validation tools added “View html” added “Merge tool” added User’s guidance developed and available at https://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/help/msfd Database development: Includes all schema elements and codelists Pending: transformation tool Access2XML CDR: Folders structure created in CDR and CDRTEST Pending: development of QA/QC for acceptance and feedback of envelopes
Schema 'Indicators' Prefilled CFP indicators Demonstration on: How to load them and edit them How to save the edition and download the XML Issue identified within the preparation of prefilling of RSCs indicators: some indicators are linked to a big number of MRUs Change in the schema proposed: IndicatorAssessment class would be “father” of MarineUnit class Another change proposed: voidability of URLs to be provided Time for participants to test the webform
Schema 'ART9_GES' and ‘ART10_Targets' Prefilled information from 2012 Issue around harvesting in CDR: to be solved soon Demonstration on: How to load them and edit them How to save the edition and download the XML Time for participants to test the webform
Schema 'ART8_GES' Prefilled CFP and WFD information Demonstration on: How to load them and edit them How to save the edition and download the XML Concrete examples of how to report GES assessments: Descriptor by Descriptor, following “Illustrative examples” from the Reporting guidance Issues detected when preparing the examples: proposed changes in the schema Time for participants to test the webform
GES assessments under ART8_GES schema
(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are no elements and only one criteria/parameter is used: D2 OverallStatus CriteriaStatus CriteriaValues Parameter: PRE ThresholdValue: 0 ThresholdValueSource: EU ValueAchieved: 1 ValueUnit: {species} ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved:No … GEScomponent: D2 Feature: PresBioIntroNIS GESextentAchieved: n.a. GESextentUnit: n.a. GESthreshold: n.a. GESachieved: No MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D2C1 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a. Criteria: D2C2 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a. These criterion, if used, have to be reported under D2, although they don’t contribute to the Overall Status of D2 Criteria: D2C3 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a.
(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are no elements and more than 1 parameter per criteria: D11 CriteriaValues Parameter: EXT ThresholdValue: 500 ThresholdValueSource: National ValueAchieved: ValueUnit: km2 ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes … OverallStatus CriteriaStatus GEScomponent: D11C1 Feature: PresInputSound GESextentAchieved: n.a. GESextentUnit: n.a. GESthreshold: n.a. GESachieved: n.a. MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D11C1 CriteriaStatus: Good IntegrationRuleType: OOAO Parameter: DUR ThresholdValue: 30 ThresholdValueSource: BarCon ValueAchieved: 25 ValueUnit: d ProportionThresholdValue: 90 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionValueAchieved: 100 Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes … Criteria: D11C2 CriteriaStatus: Good IntegrationRuleType: OOAO
(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are elements and there is generally 1 parameter per criteria: D1-D3-D5-D6-D10 CriteriaValues ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Criteria: D1C2 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a. Parameter: ABU ThresholdValue: 50000--10000 ThresholdValueSource: (e.g. BarCon) ValueAchieved: 40000 ValueUnit: {individuals} ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Deteriorating ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Stenella coeruleoalba ElementSource: EU ElementCode: 137107 ElementCodeSource: WoRMS ElementStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: OOAO OverallStatus GEScomponent: D1 Feature: MamCetacSmall GESextentAchieved: 60 GESextentUnit: N of species GESthreshold: 80 GESachieved: NO MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D1C4 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a. Parameter: EXT ThresholdValue: 200000 ThresholdValueSource: (e.g. BarCon) ValueAchieved: 170000 ValueUnit: km2 ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Stable ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Tursiops truncatus ElementSource: EU ElementCode: 137111 ElementCodeSource: WoRMS ElementStatus: Good IntegrationRuleType: NHIE_NWEI
(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are elements and there can be more than 1 parameter per criteria: D8 CriteriaValues ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Parameter: CONC-W ThresholdValue: 0,05 ThresholdValueSource: PSD ValueAchieved: 0,02 ValueUnit: ug/L ProportionThresholdValue: 90 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: 100 Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes … Element: Hexachlorobenzene ElementSource: EU ElementCode: CAS_118-74-1 ElementCodeSource: WISE ElementStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: n.a. Criteria: D8C1 CriteriaStatus: NotGood IntegrationRuleType: OOAO OverallStatus GEScomponent: D8 Feature: PresInputCont GESextentAchieved: 85 GESextentUnit: N of contaminants GESthreshold: 75 GESachieved: YES MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Parameter: CONC-B ThresholdValue: 10 ThresholdValueSource: PSD ValueAchieved: 9 ValueUnit: ug/kg ww ProportionThresholdValue: 85 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: 80 Trend: Stable ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Tributyltin-cation ElementSource: EU ElementCode: CAS_36643-28-4 ElementCodeSource: WISE ElementStatus: Good IntegrationRuleType: n.a.
Schema ‘ART8_ESA' Demonstration on: How to edit the schema How to save the edition and download the XML Time for participants to test the webform
Database Demonstration of the use of the database
Use of ReportNet Reporting Obligations Database (ROD) Central Data Repository (CDR) Getting help CDRTEST User:reporter Password:r
Reporting Obligations Database (ROD)
Central Data Repository (CDR) User accounts: a valid EIONET user account is required to login to CDR. Permissions: only the authorised national Data Reporters can deliver data in the CDR.
Central Data Repository (CDR) Find the country collection for the reporting obligation
Central Data Repository (CDR) Creation and edition of new envelopes
Central Data Repository (CDR) Upload delivery
Help All the documentation for MSFD 2018 reporting can be accessed via CDR Help: http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/help/msfd MSFD support team: msfd.helpdesk@eionet.europa.eu Login problems or other technical difficulties with Eionet systems: helpdesk@eionet.europa.eu
Steps forward 1st Test-phase: November-December 2017 Use of webforms (including validation tools) Use of Access database (without transformation tool to XML) Use of cdrtest to report (without ReporNet QCs) Use of prefilled files from 2012 reporting: ART9_GES and ART10_Targets Use of prefilled CFP files: ART8_GES and Indicators 2nd Test-phase: mid February-mid March 2018 Use of cdrtest to report (including ReportNet QCs) Use of transformation tool from Access to XML Use of MRUs as reported by Member States by January Use of prefilled files from RSCs assessments: Indicators (ART8_GES tbc) Use of prefilled WFD files: ART8_GES (tbc) Reporting tools ready and approved by MSCG: end of April Reporting start-date: 15 July 2018