Fall Festivities Enjoying the Outdoors www.aad.org, www.nchpad.org , www.cdc.gov
Make a “Great Outdoors” Checklist Get together with friends and family and come up with different activities everyone can enjoy while being outdoors. Pick apples Visit a pumpkin patch Get lost in a corn maze Play a game of two-hand touch football Go for a hike; try parks and trails in your area you have not experienced before Collect colorful leaves Run a race; Turkey Trots, Halloween runs and themed activities can make it more fun Plant bulbs in your garden for next spring
Be Prepared Always have a plan before venturing out. As the sun starts to go down earlier, remember to take a flashlight if you will be out past sunset. Check the weather beforehand. Make sure everyone has proper shoes and clothing on for the activity. Be prepared with layers.
Stay Safe Make sure someone who is not participating in the outdoor activity knows where you are, what you are doing, and when you will be back. Make sure to always bring a first aid kit and other necessary items: water, food, bug spray, etc. Use the buddy system. Have someone with you at all times.
Tick Prevention When hiking, tuck your pants into your socks to minimize the exposure of your skin. Immediately check yourself for ticks after being outdoors. The longer the tick is attached, the greater the risk of infection. If a tick is discovered, use tweezers to remove it and get as close to the skin as possible. Never remove with fingers or squeeze the tick.
Poison Ivy Prevention There are three ways to prevent a rash: Avoid these poisonous plants. (each leaf has three small leaflets) Try to stay on cleared pathways and pitch your tent in an area free of these plants. Protect your skin and cover up exposed skin
Add Fall Colors to Your Diet Fall is a great time to work on eating healthy with all the colorful fruits and vegetables in abundance. Seasonal produce includes pumpkin, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans, broccoli and cauliflower. Locally grown foods will give the most nutritional benefit since the time between picking and eating is shorter.