Index Card Blank side – how you prefer to be addressed Lined side – Full name Three thing about yourself ( to share) Parent phone and email Question for me (optional)
What is Chemistry?
It’s all about Stuff. Study of matter Characteristics of Elements Compounds How they interact (react) with each other
Objective We want to design and make new materials with desired properties. In this class we will work up to something like…
How much? What mass of oxygen is required to completely react 13.0 liters of hydrogen gas at 23 degrees Celsius and 400 kPa? What is the product and how much of it will we end up with?
Huh? We’ll take it piece by piece over time, and by March you’ll be able to tear apart this Bear and solve it! What will you need to know?
What you’ll need to know? What’s hydrogen? (September) What’s oxygen? (September) What measure of each combine with each other in what ratio? (November - Feb) What’s a mole? (December) How many grams is a mole? (December) How many liters is a mole? (April)
Make Connections On the left side of your paper we’ll list things that chemistry: is like, used for, any questions unanswered, or what you already know that will be used in this class.
Summarize What are some main points from this presentation/discussion? What will help you succeed? What is your responsibility for success?
Five Branches of Chemistry Cornell notes practice
Five Branches Analytic Bio Chemistry Organic Inorganic Physical
Analytic What is it made of?
Biochemistry What happens in a living organism is a lot of…
Organic Chemistry Molecules with Carbon in them Fuels Food additives Drugs Plastics
Inorganic Chemistry Compounds not containing carbon Crystals Minerals Metals
Physical Chemistry What is the shape of the molecule? How does that effect its interactions with other molecules?
Left Pane Connections Main ideas Questions
One of my teachers said… Show up Pay attention Work hard Don’t Quit