workplace health: A public health perspective Association of Municipalities of Ontario May 29, 2019 Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Office of Health Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
Comprehensive workplace health Photo by Jlalonde
Create the business case
Comprehensive workplace health model
1. Health and Lifestyle Practices The choices that each of us make about what we eat, our activity level and substance use contribute to health. The workplace can have an important role in making the healthy choice, the easy choice for employees by creating a supportive work environment. Examples include: Healthy eating Physical activity Sedentary behavior Tobacco cessation Stress management Reduced drug and alcohol use Immunization Sun safety
2. Organizational culture The way that people behave towards another, how decisions are made and communicated and how interaction occurs between people, their work and the organization impact health. Examples include: Vision and values Psychological and social support Organizational leadership Recognition and reward HR Strategy Staff involvement and empowerment Workload management Protection of physical safety
Organization culture CONTINUED People are most productive, and most committed, when they feel good about their workplace and are valued for their work.
3. Organization social responsibility The relationship that an organization plays in the community can contribute positively towards the health of workers, their families and other members of the community. Examples include: Green activities such as reducing the carbon footprint of business activities and control of pollutants in community air and water, volunteering, fundraising, etc. An important part of employees feeling valued and supported can include finding meaningful ways to give back to the community.
Wellness supportive policies Workplace policies guide management and workers behave in the workplace. Wellness supportive policies can support all elements of the CWPH model. Examples include: Flexible Working Hours Innovative Office Design Work From Home Active Transportation/Physical Activity Healthy Eating Employee Conduct Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention
Mental health promotion
Mental health promotion Resources in the workplace Healthy Minds at Work A website developed by CCOHS Best practice resources, posters, videos for employers Guarding Minds at Work Toolkit to promote psychological health and safety in the workplace Assess and address the 13 psychosocial factors known to have a powerful impact on organizational health, the health of individual employees, and the financial bottom line.
What can municipalities do? Adopt a CWPM approach to wellness. Form a Steering Committee including front line staff to guide your work Complete a compressive assessment of your workplace using a CWPM Consider innovative workplace initiatives that impact positive mental health (active transportation to work - secure bike facilities, locations of offices in cycling friendly locations, on site showers and change areas) Monitor program results Be a community leader – Declare a Workplace Wellness Week or a Day by passing a motion at council.