Dr. Mars, Principal Welcome Class of 2019! College Night
Agenda Review: Preparing for College Process Overview Naviance Housekeeping Important Terms Senior Timelines Application Resources Student, Counselor, and Parent Responsibilities Career-Postsecondary Planning, Events Q&A
Review: Preparing for the College Process How do I determine if it’s a good fit? What are Colleges Looking For? Creating a Balanced List How do I determine if it’s a good fit? Inventory of important personal factors Academic interest Size Location Cost Selectivity Athletics Career services Extracurricular What are Colleges Looking for? Transcript: Rigorous high school curriculum that challenges the student GPA: Grades that show a strong effort and improvement over time Testing: Scores consistent with High School performance Essay/Supplemental Essay: Will allow colleges to gain insight of you apart from your transcript Extracurricular activities/Leadership: Quality over quantity Recommendations: Counselor and Teacher Creating A Balanced List Likely Target Reach How many applications?
Naviance Housekeeping Update email (make sure it’s your personal email) List all Colleges that you’re applying to Indicate the type of Application (ED, EA, Regular, Priority) MATCH Common App REQUEST teacher letters of recommendation
Important Terms Naviance Common Application (Common App) Application Type: EA/ED/RD/Rolling/Priority/Scholarship Waitlist/Deferred NYS Opportunity Programs: HEOP/EOP/SEEK/CD
Senior Year Timeline: Fall Senior College Mtg w/ Counselor Update Naviance with EA/ED by October 1st Complete “All About Me” Survey Notify counselor of Questbridge application by Monday 9/17/18 Complete Common App account Match Naviance and Common App Request Teacher Recommendations Submit Parent/Teacher Raves Attend LaGuardia College Visits, Campus Visits, College Fairs Take SAT/ACT/Subject tests Send SAT/ACT test scores Submit FAFSA/CSS Profile: Start 10/1 Finalize college list in Naviance by December 1st
Senior Year Timeline: Spring Maintain strong academic progress Mid-year reports will be sent in early Update Naviance with college application results Review your Financial Aid packages College Decision Day is May 1st Continue to apply for scholarships
Application Resources CUNY SUNY Website: http://www2.cuny.edu/admissions/a pply-to-cuny/ Application fee: $65.00/6 Colleges Deadlines: Macaulay Honors College: December 1 General Admission: February 1 Website: https://www.suny.edu/applysuny/ Application fee: $50.00/school Only use if your SUNY college is not listed on the Common Application
Application Resources Common Application Coalition Application Website: https://www.commonapp.org/ Application fees: Varies by College Deadlines: Varies by College Sign FERPA Agreement Instructions for Matching CA to Naviance https://www.naviance.com/resources/e ntry/how-to-match-your-common-app- and-naviance-accounts Website: http://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess. org/ Application fees: Varies by College Deadlines: Varies by College
Application Resources: Fee Waivers Complete Online Lunch application: https://www.applyforlunch.com/ Must be Free/Reduced Price Lunch eligible See Ms. Marte, Room 206 College Applications: CUNY: 6 max SUNY: 7 max Private Schools: as needed (College Board, NACAC, Testing Waivers: SAT and ACT: TWO examinations each SAT Subject Tests: TWO testing days (maximum of SIX Subject Tests)
Student Responsibility Update Naviance and Common App Update Naviance of EA/ED deadlines Schedule college meeting with their counselor Submit application by the deadlines!!! Request Teacher Recommendation, Teacher Raves, and Parent Raves Complete “All About Me” survey Attend College Events/Engagement Activities Testing: ACT/SAT/Subject Tests : Register and send scores Know your deadlines Complete Financial Aid Applications by deadlines Communicate with Parent/Guardian Check Email and Postal Mail regularly Submit envelopes for Mail Only Schools - See Ms. Marte Rm 206 Attend College Events/Engagement Activities 1. Financial Aid Night 2. LaGuardia college visits (Naviance) 3. College Fairs 4. Campus visits 5. Interviews/ completes portfolio
Counselor Support Advocates for our students through the counselor letter of recommendation Submits important documentation to the colleges: Guidance letters of recommendation Transcripts Current program School Profile and School Report Treats the college application process as an opportunity for growth Provides resources to help students navigate through the process
Parent Responsibility Complete Parent Rave Complete FAFSA/CSS Profile Discuss financial realities Provide ongoing positive support for your children, check in regularly Keep an open mind and encourage your child to keep an open mind as they researches colleges and universities Support college visits, fairs, workshops
Career-Postsecondary Planning Events September 17: Sign up for College Meetings September 27: College Financial Aid Night at 6:30PM October 1: Indicate EA/ED/Priority Applications on Naviance October 6: SAT and SAT Subject October 10: SUNY College Fair, Javits Center October 14: NACAC STEM College Fair, Javits Center October 21: Big Apple College Fair, Javits Center October 27: ACT November 1: EA/ED/Priority Applications Due November 2: NACAC Performing and Visual Arts College Fair, Javits Center December 1: CUNY Macaulay Honors and Final College list in Naviance