SCHEV PPT Template 4:3 Square Version Communications
Basic Text and Colors SCHEV Template uses the following elements: Fonts: Franklin Gothic, Palatino, Arial Colors: Branding color palette Blue footer and SCHEV logo on left
Fonts SCHEV Fonts: Franklin Gothic (Bold, Demi, Italic, Book) Use SCHEV blue and black for fonts. Accent colors available (use sparingly in text) Blue Ridge Piedmont Green Cardinal Red Skyline Gold
Hierarchy of colors* in graphs and charts Chart Colors Hierarchy of colors* in graphs and charts Primary: SCHEV blue (RGB: 32,85,138) Secondary: Chesapeake blue (RGB: 111,144,184) Tertiary: Blue Ridge (RGB: 0,48,80) Accent Colors Piedmont Green (RGB: 85,132,118) Marsh Green (RGB: 155,187,176) Skyline Gold (RGB: 230,161,88) Cardinal Red (RGB: 201,40,45) * If you need more colors in addition to those above, contact Liz for the full color palette. 4
Using Graphics and Charts Accessibility Using Graphics and Charts Add ALT text if you are using graphics and charts Click on the graphic or chart, then click on the icon that has the four way arrow. Click on the Alt Text option and put in title of chart and description of chart.
Accessibility: Saving Your PPT Complete Properties information Click on Properties > Advanced Properties. Complete open dialog box Save your PPT.
Chart Examples Scatter chart
Chart Examples
Chart Examples
Adding Styles If you are using a PPT that doesn’t have the SCHEV styles loaded and need to add styles: In VIEW tab, click on SLIDE MASTER
Adding Styles - Fonts Click on Fonts > Customize Fonts The create new theme fonts dialog box opens. Select Franklin Gothic Demi for header and Palatino for body text. Name the style SCHEV fonts.
Adding Styles - Colors Click on Colors > Customize Colors The create theme colors dialog box opens. Select first dropdown (text/background – Dark 1). Enter SCHEV Blue RGB: 32/85/138 Click OK. Continue to add all colors (list show on next slide.) Save as SCHEV theme colors.
Adding Styles – Color List R G B 32 85 138 White 41 62 107 155 187 176 32 85 138 111 144 184 230 161 88 116 118 121 201 41 45 0 112 192
Adding Styles – Saving Styles After you are done adding colors and fonts, click the VIEW tab again, then on NORMAL view.
Branding and Style Guides Questions? Branding and Style Guides For additional information, see the SCHEV branding guide on the intranet. For web styles, see the SCHEV Sitefinity Guide on the intranet If you need additional assistance, please reach out to Liz, she’s happy to help!