State Climate Office Weekly Drought Update Adnan Akyuz, Ph.D. NDSU, AES State Climatologist Updated 8/15/2019
US Drought Monitor
Divisional Precipitation Anomalies and Rankings (Last Month) July 2019 (Statewide: 23rd Wettest) July 2019 Ranking Table by Crop Districts Negative numbers indicate drier than long-term (1901-2000) average. Lower rankings indicate historically drier conditions on record (125 years total).
Divisional Precipitation Anomalies and Rankings (Last 3 Months) May-July 2019 (Satewide:62nd Driest) May-July 2019 Ranking Table by Crop Districts Negative numbers indicate drier than long-term (1901-2000) average. Lower rankings indicate historically drier conditions on record (125 years total).
Last 30-Day Precipitation Total Accumulation % of Normal (NDAWN Images)
Long Term Precipitation % of Normal Last 60 Days Last 90 Days (NDAWN Images)
(% Change from previous week) Cumulative % area (% Change from previous week) DO 29% (+1%) D1 7% (+4%) D2 1% (+1%) None 71% (-1%)
Drought Change 1-week Change 4-week Change
State Coverage and Intensity
Drought Severity and Coverage Index (Statewide) 295 (Aug 8, 2017) 329 (Aug 8, 2006) 36 (+5) Drought Severity and Coverage Index = ADO + 2AD1 + 3AD2 + 4AD3 + 5AD4 (Akyüz, 2007) Where: A is a % of the state covered under the corresponding D-severity
Accumulated Drought Severity and Coverage Index (Statewide) 478 10,642 19,319 9,530 9653 2116 11,991 1714 17 weeks of no drought *Numbers indicate the area under the DSCI Index Curve *Akyuz (2017)
Soil Moisture and Bare Soil Temperature Soil Moisture Departure from Normal 5-week Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI) (40mm = 1.6”)
Crassland Productivity Forecast (June-August) *These three maps show the forecasted percent change in grassland production compared to a county’s 34-year average. USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub:
Corn GDD Accumulation Forecast* Median First day of Fall Frost: Oct 9 Black Layer: Sep 30 Earliest First Day of Fall Frost: Sep 20 This graphic is created based on 90-day corn, planted in Cass county on May 15. It shows estimated date of silking (Red Bar) and maturity(Black Bar) with respect to hard freeze climatology (Blue Bars). Latest First Day of Fall Frost: Nov 3 *U2U Decision Support Tools:
Weekly Drought Impact Collection Based on the NDSU Weekly Survey of Extension Offices Ward (Paige Brummund): Mildly Dry Benson (scott): Moderately Dry. Slim amounts of hay on the second alfalfa cutting, ranchers are calling FSA and concerned with the lack of forage and pasture conditions. Walsh (Brad Brummond): Moderately Dry. I don't know how to rate this according to your definition. Crop losses have already occurred and will only get worse this week looking at a forecast. soybeans and pinto beans on the sands are already stunted and few pods developing. Towner (Lindy Berg): Moderately Dry. In the last 5 weeks we have gotten less than an inch of rain, another week we will be in severe. Grand Forks (Carrie Knutson): Some areas received excessive rain others did not. Normal to wet conditions in the south and east. Moderately dry west and north, isolated areas of dry conditions. Dunn (Greg Benz): Rains have been spotty and not enough, warmer and windy conditions have made it dry and high fire issues. Corn is showing stress; the dry temps have helped small grains finished and mature earlier than expected. Pastures are beginning to show stress signs and water consumption in cattle has increase.
Weekly Drought Impact Collection Based on the NDSU Weekly Survey of Extension Offices Foster (karl hoppe): Mildly Dry. I noticed the water table has dropped a foot. While rains have been appearing last few weeks, it is less that needed. Picture is attached of water way that has been filled with ground table water until now. Eddy (karl hoppe): Mildly Dry. Hill tops in pastures are showing reduced growth or are drying up. Rains are not meeting demands of pasture or range grasses or crop fields. Slope (Shelby): Near Normal. Golf ball sized hail on August 3rd damaged crops near Bowman/Slope County line. Billings/Stark (Kurt Froelich): Near Normal Emmons (Emily Trzpuc): Moderately Wet. Morton (Renae Gress): Mildly Wet.
Drought Pictures Foster county on August 11 about 8 miles east of Carrington. The water way was filled with ground water most of the year until recently. Photo Credit: Karl Hoppe, NDSU.
7-Day Forecast (Through noon Thu, Aug 22)
14-Day Forecast (Through noon Thu, Aug 29)
Week 3 to 4 Forecast Precipitation Temperature
Fall (Sep-Nov) 2019 Outlook Precipitation Temperature