By Daniel Tsai, Banfu No.1 Middle School Zhongshan, Guangdong


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Presentation transcript:

By Daniel Tsai, Banfu No.1 Middle School Zhongshan, Guangdong Section B Unit 05, SBY9 It must belong to Carla By Daniel Tsai, Banfu No.1 Middle School Zhongshan, Guangdong

What is the man doing? He might be… He could be… He must be… A UFO is landing... An alien came down...

The man is running.

The UFO is landing.

…the man was running as fast as he could. 2a, Section B An Example to end the story: …the man was running as fast as he could. He thought that the alien must be chasing to catch him, and he might lose his life if he were caught! “Hello…!” Suddenly a voice came from behind…

“I must be dreaming!” the man said to himself… 2a, Section B An Example to end the story: The man knew it must be the alien that spoke! “But how could it speak our language?” He wondered… “Might I make friends with you?” The alien stopped just in front of the man, with a big smile and both its arms opened to him… “I must be dreaming!” the man said to himself…

2a, Section B They see… The man says… The woman says… 1. a man running. He could be … He might be… 2. something in the sky. It could be… It must be… 3. a strange creature. It must be … I must be… 4. a woman with a camera. She could be… They must be… running for exercise late for work a UFO a helicopter an alien dreaming from the TV news making a movie

3a, reading for info Who? What did they find? What did they think it was? Zhou Gu’s wife Zhou Gu Zhou Gu’s parents Qi Hui strange noise outside their window could be an animal strange noise outside their window Must be teenagers having fun nothing strange might be the wind ? 1, might be a dog couldn’t see the dog, but there was still noise outside ?

Language Focus run for exercise dance for pleasure / collect stamps for fun . 我帮助你不是为了钱,而是为了友谊。 I’m helping you not ____________ but _____________ for money for friendship …strange things are happening... 这个故事发生在好多年以前。 This story _______________ many years ago. happened Zhou Gu …is extremely worried. Parents are often worried about their children’s success in school. Last night, he was worrying about his test.

3. Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet. A.may B. can C. will 4. I thought you ____ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. should A.may B. might

4. “Whose pen is this?” It ____ Liu Mei because I saw her use it the other day. A. can’t be B. might be C. must belong to 5. That’s a piece of good news. They ___ glad to hear that. A. can be B. might be C. must be 6. She ____ her test paper, for only fifteen minutes has passed. A. can’t have finished B. must have finished C. might has finished C. must belong to C. must be A. can’t have finished

7. This story ____ long time ago. A. was happened B. has happened C. happened 8. He’s staying at home today ____ he is ill. A. because B. because of C. so 9. Peter often annoys others _____ his confidence. A. because B. because of C. use 10. He was left in the forest so we were all _____ for his safety. A. worried B. excited C. anxious C. happened A. because B. because of C. anxious

W: He __________running for exercise. M: But he’s rearing a suit. Tape Scripts: M: Hey, look at the man running down the street. I wonder what’s happening? W: He __________running for exercise. M: But he’s rearing a suit. W: Well, he __________late for work. M: He looks kind of __________. W: Oh, no! What’s that? M: Where? W: There’s something in the sky. W: It ___________ a helicopter. W: No, it __________ a helicopter. It’s too big. It _________ a UFO. could be might be scared could be can’t be must be

M: A UFO? What’s going on? W: Look, the UFO is _________… M: And there is a strange __________ getting out. It ________ an alien. W: And the alien is chasing the man! I ___________ dreaming. M: Maybe we should _____________. Hey, wait a minute, what’s that? W: Where? M: Over there. W: It’s a woman with a __________. W: She ____________ from the TV news. W: No, look at those other people. They are ________. Oh! They ____________ making a movie. landing creature must be must be call the police camera must be actors must be