Human Circulatory System The Heart and Circulation
Circulate these terms around!- Circulation is the _____________of materials such as ______________, ________________, _______________, and __________ to and from all parts of the body Intercellular circulation : circulation by the ______________ between _____________ and body _____________ and _____________. Intracellular circulation: Circulation within the cell accomplished by _____________, _____________, and movement through the ____________________________. Closed circulatory System: All blood is enclosed in __________________________ distribution oxygen Carbon dioxide nutrients wastes blood cells tissues organs diffusion cyclosis Endoplasmic reticulum Blood vessels Blood Vessels: Arteries Veins Capillaries
Circulate these terms around!- Thick away 1. Arteries: ______________ walled, elastic vessels that carry blood _____________ from the heart. 2. Veins: _________________ walled vessels that carry blood ______________ the heart. They contain ______________Which prevent the backflow of blood. 3. Capillaries: are ______________ thick, microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries to veins. This allows for easy exchange of materials (gasses, nutrients, etc.) between the ______________ and the _______________. thinner to valves One celled blood cells
Meet the Circulatory Team The heart is a muscular organ that pumps ______________ through the blood ________________ adjusting the rate of _______________ and _____________ to changing body requirements (ie: exercising increases heart rate) Atria- _____________ walled _____________ chambers which receive blood returning in the _____________ from the _____________ and other body _____________ and pump it to the ________________. Ventricles – Thick walled, lower chambers which pump blood out of the heart into the _________ which carry it to the __________ and other body tissues blood vessels pulse flow thin upper veins lungs parts ventricles arteries lungs
Meet the Circulatory Team Valves- prevent _______________ of blood Pericardium- Protective _______________ around the heart. Septum- separates ____________ and _____________sides of the heart. Back flow membrane right left
Diagram of the Heart 1 1 4 5 3 2 A B 5 B E E A E C D E D C 4 2 3 Superior Vena Cava A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. E. 5. Right Atrium Left Atrium Inferior Vena Cava Right Ventricle Pulmonary Arteries Left Ventricle Aorta A-V Valve Pulmonary Veins
How does blood flow through the heart?
Circulatory Pathways Systemic Circulation- Circulation between ______________ and ________________. Pulmonary Circulation- circulation of blood between _______________ and ______________. Coronary Circulation- Circulation of blood to the _____________ of the heart. heart body heart lungs tissues
Is there a Doctor in the house? High blood pressure-(hypertension) blood pressure in the ______________ is increased by stress, diet, heredity, smoking, and aging. This may ______________ the artery walls. Arthrosclerosis- deposits of _____________ and ______________ on the inside walls of arteries causing a narrowing of the artery. This make it difficult for blood to flow and causes the heart to work harder. Heart Attack- caused by a blockage of the _____________ artery. This starves the heart of _____________. arteries weaken fat cholesterol coronary oxygen
Angina- ______________ of an artery leading to the heart. Stroke- caused by a ____________ or ______________ of a small blood vessel in the ____________ Aneurism- a ____________ in an artery that bursts. These diseases or disorders cause a disruption in the human circulatory system and therefore interfere with the body’s __________________ narrowing blockage bursting brain bubble homeostasis Bursting Aneurism