After Muhammad
Rise of Caliphs Leader of Muslim world First Caliph was Abu Bakr Means successor to Muhammad Died at age of 62 First Caliph was Abu Bakr He united all Arabs under Islam Established the Rashidun Caliphate Consisted of the first 4 Caliphs Conquered Parts of Byzantine Empire and all of Persia
Shiite-Sunni Divide Not everyone agreed Abu Bakr should rule This divided Muslims into two groups Still causes conflict today
Shiite Believed Muhammad’s son-in- law Ali should lead Thought his line possessed mystical powers Descendants called Imams Mostly found in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yeman
Sunni Many felt any good Muslim could lead Sunnism was a compromise between this group and Shiites Any pious male from Mohammad’s tribe Considered political leader more so than religious 90% of Muslims are Sunni dde
Umayyad Caliphate Powerful Sunnis from Mecca Moved Capital to Damascus Extended Muslim Rule Partially due to weakness elsewhere Also due to great cavalry Tolerated but taxed non- Muslims Disdain for Arab supremacy caused decline.
Abbasid Dynasty Coalition of Shiite and non Arabs formed Founded by Abu al-Abbas Stressed equality among Muslims Moved capital from Damascus to Baghdad Persian style Government and Bureaucracy, led by a Vizier Baghdad become hugely important
Spread of Islam
Becoming Muslim Only have to make the profession of faith in front of two or more witnesses. May take a long time to master As Islam spread it became more diverse like its followers Qur'an forbid forced conversion "La ilaha ill allah, Muhammadur Rasullu llah"
Separation of Mosque and State Muslims quickly gained control of a large empire Spread of the religion was much slower despite ease of conversion After the Abbasid Revolution the Islamic Empire broke apart Conversion increase in speed People outside the borders converted
The process of conversion Levant conquered in 638 By 1200 (600 years later) still less than 50% Egypt Conquered in 642 By 700 few Egyptians converted By 900 about 50% By 1200 over 90% Iraq and Iran conquered by 654 Iberia (Spain and Portugal) Conquered in 711 Never have become the majority faith.