Issue, Vision and Action The issue is the big sustainability issue that may well be a global concern as well as a national concern. The vision (for MGC) is how we would ideally like MGC to be or to respond in relation to this sustainability issue. The action is one chosen from several that might contribute to our vision for MGC and hence to the big sustainability issue.
The Issue – Loss of biodiversity in the world The vision – MGC will be a school where we can be proud of our plant and animal biodiversity. The possible actions Do more native plantings on the banks of Fulton Creek to provide habitat Start up a nursery for native cuttings so that we can increase plantings in the school. Make bird feeders to encourage more native birds into the school Make insect habitat to encourage increased biodiversity of insects. Investigate doing a Tui to Town project at MGC
The Issue – The production of waste on a global scale and the problems it creates. The vision – MGC will be a school where we recycle all the wastes we possibly can. The possible actions: Establish a recycling system for the area around the canteen. Trial a bokashi bucket system for recycling compostible food scraps. Support and refresh the paper reuse and recycling scheme at MGC Run an awareness campaign for re-use, reduce, recycle.
The Issue – Consumerism The vision – MGC will be a school where students are aware of the harmful effects of consumerism on the environment and society. The possible actions Run a campaign of information about consumerism and how to change the ideas in the school Start a second hand trade me type of organisation where people can buy and sell their used items. Campaign for the re-use or non-use of plastic drinking bottles. Campaign for re-usable shopping bags.
The vision – MGC will become a more energy efficient school. The Issue – Energy use The vision – MGC will become a more energy efficient school. The possible actions Put a proposal to the Board to investigate the idea of putting solar panels on the gym or other buildings. Run an energy efficiency awareness campaign. Organise a “bike or walk to school” day and run an awareness campaign. Run a competition for energy efficient ideas.
The Issue – Unequal distribution of resources in the world. The vision – MGC will be a school that values equity and helps all students to share resources equally. The possible actions Identify whether or not we have a problem with students not getting enough to eat. Set up a trial breakfast scheme for MGC Organise a system whereby people with surplus produce in their gardens can bring it to a collection point for people who might need it.