CA Dashboard 2018 Overview Presentation to the Governing Board Carmel Unified School District December 12, 2018
CA Priorities & Indicators State Priority State Indicator Local Indicator 1- Basic Services Williams Act- Instructional Materials SARC (School Accountability Report Card) Safe/Clean Schools 2 - State Standards Implementation of State Academic Standards 3 - Parent Engagement Parent Engagement Survey (Spring 2018) 4 - Student Achievement Academic Indicator English Learner Indicator 5 - Student Engagement Chronic Absence Indicator Graduation Rate Indicator 6 - School Climate Suspension Rate Indicator Student School Climate Survey (next= 2019) 7- Access to Coursework College/Career Indicator Access to a Broad course of study. 8 - Other Outcomes State Priority State Indicator Local Indicator 1- Basic Services Williams Act- Instructional Materials SARC (School Accountability Report Card) Safe/Clean Schools 2 - State Standards Implementation of State Academic Standards 3 - Parent Engagement Parent Engagement Survey (Spring 2018) 4 - Student Achievement Academic Indicator English Learner Indicator 5 - Student Engagement Chronic Absence Indicator Graduation Rate Indicator 6 - School Climate Suspension Rate Indicator Student School Climate Survey (next= 2019) 7- Access to Coursework College/Career Indicator Access to a broad course of study. 8 - Other Outcomes
Multiple measures addressing several student groupings English learners Socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils Foster youth Homeless youth Students with disabilities Racial/ethnic groups, including: African-American American Indian/Native Alaskan Asian Filipino Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Two or more races White Multiple measures addressing several student groupings
State Indicators Reported in 2018 Dashboard Suspension Rate: Apply 3x5 grid at student group level Chronic Absenteeism: Reported for first time (ONLY K-8) English Learner Progress: Transition year, report ELPAC assessment results only Graduation Rate: 4-year graduation rate; 3x5 Scorecard at student group level College/Career Indicator: New measures & first time color Academic: English and Math: Including Grade 11 and participation rate (must have 95%) California Department of Education
N-Size Requirements LEAs, schools, and student groups receive performance levels (or colors) for each state indicator with at least 30 students in the current and prior year “30 or more” determination differs for each state indicator Exception: LEAs receive a color for homeless and foster youth if they have at least 15 students in the current and prior year.
Performance Levels (Colors) Two years of data (Status and Change) are required to receive a performance level (color): Status: Current year data Change: Difference between current- and prior-year data California Department of Education
Five Performance Levels (Colors) California Department of Education
California Department of Education How Do You Get a Color? Get a color (Green) by combining: Current year results (High), and Difference from prior year results (Increased) State Board defines cut scores for each designation for status & change California Department of Education
California Department of Education New Homepage California Department of Education
California Department of Education Landing Page California Department of Education
2018 Dashboard: Indicator In-Depth Display The image on the left is of the 2018 Dashboard web page Indicator In-Depth Display. Information Displayed is as below: Learn More - English Language Arts Student Group Tab State Tab Gauge Indicator image pointing to Blue 73.8 points above standard Maintained -0.7 Points Equity Report - Number of Student Groups in Each Color 0- Red, 1 - Orange, 1- Yellow, 3 - Green, 2 - Blue Carmel Unified School District
Academic Indicator The Academic Indicator is based on “Distance from Standard” (DFS) on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (ELA & mathematics) Average distance between all student test scores and lowest possible scale score for the Standard Met Achievement Level (Level 3) for that grade level and content area
English Learner Process Indicator (ELPI) Due to the transition of the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC), the Dashboard will report the percentage of students in each performance level on the ELPAC. Status and Change and performance color will be reported in the 2020 Dashboard.
Implementation of Standards Implementation of Standards College & Career Readiness SBAC = 3 or higher Math & ELA AP = 3 or higher 2 exams IB = 4 or higher 2 sem. College credits C+ grade or better State Seal of Biliteracy 2 yrs. Military Science CTE Pathway completed C or better in capstone course UC/CSU a-g C- or better PLUS another criteria
Implementation of Standards Implementation of Standards College & Career Readiness SBAC = 3 or higher BOTH Math & ELA AP = 3 or higher 2 exams IB = 4 or higher 2 sem. College credits C+ grade or better State Seal of Biliteracy 2 yrs. Military Science CTE Pathway completed C or better in capstone course UC/CSU a-g C- or better PLUS another criteria
Calculating Distance from Standard Uses all available valid scale scores Note: inclusion/exclusion rules are applied to determine which scores are included. For example, students must be continuously enrolled from fall census day to the first day of testing. Each student’s DFS is calculated separately All DFS scores are combined to determine an average for each LEA, school, and student group. California Department of Education
Impact of Participation Rate If an LEA, school, or student group does not meet the 95 percent participation rate target, the percent of students needed to bring it to 95 percent will be factored into the Academic Indicator results. Students who take the California Alternate Assessment (CAAs) are included in the participation rate calculation. California Department of Education
Student Engagement Indicators Chronic Absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of the total enrolled days. It ONLY includes K-8 students. Graduation Rate ONLY includes 4 year cohort HS graduates Access to Courses
Conditions & Climate Suspension Rate, Basic Indicators, Parent Engagement & Local Climate Survey
Carmel Unified School District CUSD School Site Dashboards School Site Absenteeism Suspension ELA Math Captain Cooper Green Blue Yellow *Orange River Tularcitos Carmel Middle Graduation CCR Carmel High Carmel Unified School District
Focus on Improvement CUSD District Goals District Plans: Instructional Excellence + Innovation Continuous Professional Learning District Plans: District Goals LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) School Specific Plans: WASC - CHS Accreditation (Western Association of Schools & Colleges) Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)= All schools Student Support + Engagement CUSD District Goals
LCAP: Local Control Accountability Plan Continuous Improvement State and Local Data Long and short term goals
The CA School Dashboard can be accessed at: INSERT NEW GOALS PAMPHLET & Link