Use Effective Sales Techniques: Up sell guestrooms. Up selling is a way of selling a more Expensive guestroom than the one a guest originally requested. Suggest higher-rate guestrooms when guests check in. Describe features and benefits of the more expensive rooms. Show guests room diagrams to help explain features. If guests have children, suggest a larger room to give them extra space. Suggest a room with extra amenities to business travelers, or a larger room so they can hold meetings. If a couple is vacationing, suggest a room with features that will give them a more memorable experience. Be sure to always directly ask guests if they would like to check into a room you describe. Suggest ordering from room service if guests say they don’t have time to leave their rooms. Tell guests the hours of service. Use good judgment. Don’t recommend heavy dishes on the room service menu late at night. Recommend the property’s restaurant if guests ask for a good place to eat. Show guests the menu to help them decide.
Organization Chart Of a Rooms Division Department
Small Scale Organization Chart hotel/Resort Up to 100 Rooms
Medium Scale F.O. Organization Chart Hotel/Resort Over 120 Rooms F.O. Mgr. Asst. F.O. Mgr. Operator supervisor Supervisor / Senior Reception Reservation supervisor Reservation Agent Shift leaders Bell captain Receptionist Bell Man Telephone operator
Organization Chart of a Large Hotel/Resort
Front Office Terminologies Advance Deposit A type of guaranteed reservation in which the lodging property has received cash payment in advance for at least the first night’s lodging. You should pre-register this guest. Allotment An allotment is a set number or rooms quoted for a specific travel agent or a tour operator for a certain period (usually spontaneously for whole season) according to a contract signed between the property and the other party. Allotment Materialization Allotment productivity, which the reflect number of rooms produced (materialized) out of the total quoted rooms. Amendment A change in a reservation that has already been confirmed. Arrival Date The actual date a guest will be checking into the lodging property. Availability A condition that describes the number of rooms available for sale on a particular day. Back to back Number of rooms Reserved for a curtain spontaneous period with any separations between the stay periods. (i.e. allotments) Barrier Free Rooms Rooms with special features designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
Block A specific number of rooms set aside for members of a group or individuals planning to stay at the lodging property. Blocked rooms You may need to set aside a group of rooms for a tour group, convention, or other function, and you may need to set aside special types of rooms, such as nonsmoking or accessible rooms. When rooms are set aside they are “blocked,” and no one else can reserve or check into them. Cancellation A reservation (canceled) at the guest’s request. Check-In The procedures involved in the arrival and registration of a guest at the lodging property. Guests are required to fill in registration cards during check-in. Check-Out The procedures involved in the departure of a guest from the lodging property. The check-out time is usually noon. Children’s or Family Plan Rate A room rate whereby children age 12 and younger stay free if they share a room with an adult and do not require extra beds. Comp Stands for “complimentary rate.” A guest receives something free of charge: a room, food and beverages, other amenities, or services. Confirmed Reservation A reservation that the lodging property has agreed to hold for a guest. Corporate Rate A special room rate available by request to any person on company business.
[Day Rate A special room rate for guests who arrive and depart on the same day; they do not stay at the lodging property overnight. Day use A stay of few hours with/without reservation, normally half day checking out at 6.00p.m. Departure Date The planned date a guest will be checking out of the lodging property. Double Occupancy The occupancy percentage of the rooms occupied by more than one person within the total occupied rooms. Early arrivals (Date/Time) The guest rooms which checked-in earlier than the scheduled check-in date or guest room which expected to check-in before the normal check-in time (14.00hrs). Early departures (Date/Time) The guest room which checked-out before its previous scheduled check-out date or guest rooms which expected to check-out before the normal check-out time (12.00noon). Early make-up requests Some guests ask to check in early. To help meet their needs, you can ask housekeeping to clean rooms earlier than their normal time. Familiarization Trip A complimentary or reduced rate travel program for travel agents, airline or rail employees or other travel buyers, designed to acquaint participants with specific destination or suppliers, also called "Fam. Trip", are sometimes offered to journalists. Flat Rate A specific rate agreed upon in advance by the lodging property and the other party regardless the number of guests occupying the room (the same rate for sgl. dbl & trpl.). Free Sales The allotment without release period, allotment rooms available to sell till last minute prior to the arrival date.
Government Rate A special room rate for government employees, including postal workers, who are traveling and can show official identification during check-in. Group and Tour Rates A group rate is a discounted rate for an organization that has booked a large block of rooms or has received a volume discount in anticipation of a large number of bookings. Guaranteed No-Show A person who made a guaranteed reservation but did not register at the lodging property or cancel the reservation. This person could be charged for the room. Guaranteed Reservation A reservation that assures the guest that a room will be held until check-out time the day following the guest’s arrival date or until another time set by the lodging property. The guest guarantees payment for the room, even if it is not used, unless he or she cancels by a time specified by the lodging property. Incentive Tour A trip offered as a prize, usually by a company to stimulate employee sales or productivity. Last minute Booking Room sold last minute before the arrival date (could be at the counter of airport before charter flight takes off) Late Arrival A guest with a reservation who tells the lodging property that he or she expects to arrive after the cut-off hour (usually 6 p.m.). Late check-out rooms This term lets housekeeping know that guests want to stay in their rooms past the standard check-out time. Minimum Stay An inventory control that allows guests to make reservations for a minimum number of days.
No-Show A person who made a non-guaranteed reservation but did not register at the lodging property or cancel the reservation. Number Out/Blocked Room A specific room promised to a guest. This requires a manager’s approval. One Shot Group It is a one time spontaneous group stay with a specific arrival & departure dates. Package Rates Package rates are special set rates that are offered to the public in conjunction with other services. Preferred or Commercial Rate The room rate agreed upon by a company and the lodging property for all individual room reservations made by company employees or others on company business. Pre-registration A procedure by which a front desk employee completes some or all of the registration process before the guest holding reservation arrives. This may or may not include pre-keying the room. Promotional Rate A rate for honeymoon packages, holiday packages, and other promotional programs. Rack Rate The standard (non-discount) rate set by management for each type of room. Release Period The specified period in allotment contract/ agreement to keep the allotment rooms available to sell by the tour operator prior to the arrival date (usually between one week to 3 weeks)
Room Rate Terms As a front desk employee, you’ll talk a lot about Run of the House One rate applying to all guestrooms, except suites. Same Day Guests who arrive at the lodging property on the same day they make their reservation. Sold Twice Room sold twice for two different guests within one day/night. Special Rate A discounted room rate other than the standard “rack rate.” Stay over rooms These rooms have guests who were expected to check-out but are not checking out that day. Stay over The extended guest rooms staying after their previous scheduled check-out date for at least on night. Stay Put A whole spontaneous stay period in destination. Tour Series Number of rooms reserved for un-spontaneous specific stay durations. Vacant and dirty rooms This refers to rooms which guests have checked out of, but housekeeping has not yet cleaned. You won’t be able to check anyone into these rooms until they are cleaned. You need to let housekeeping know when a guest is not checking out. VIP rooms Our very important guests receive special attention. Their reservation records need to be marked so the housekeeping department can provide extra touches.