Biology Do Now 4-1-19 1) What is the carbon cycle? 2) How does the carbon cycle relate to photosynthesis? 3) How does the carbon cycle relate to cellular respiration? 4) What human actions affect the carbon cycle?
Biology Do Now 4-1-19 KEY 1) What is the carbon cycle? The cycle that moves carbon between living and nonliving things. 2) How does the carbon cycle relate to photosynthesis? Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the air. 3) How does the carbon cycle relate to cellular respiration? Cellular respiration adds carbon dioxide to the air. 4) What human actions affect the carbon cycle? Humans burn fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas), drive cars, buses, trucks, fly planes and other vehicles which add carbon dioxide to the air. We also exhale carbon dioxide.
Objective Students will review concepts taught in unit 2 by playing a Kahoot on cellular respiration and using notes to answer short-answer questions on the carbon cycle, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Mastery Level: 75% or better on the short-answer questions
Today you may make observations of your yogurt and pickles. Please take a look at your pickles and yogurt to see if there was: A color change in cucumbers and brine A change in smell Do not eat them. Many of the pickle bags dripped pickle juice into the yogurt cups so we won’t eat them.
It’s time to play kahoot. You may work in teams or individuals. It’s time to play kahoot. You may work in teams or individuals.
Question 1 – worth 40 points Question 2 – worth 60 points You will take out your notes on unit 2 and answer all parts of both short-answer questions. Question 1 – worth 40 points Question 2 – worth 60 points