nsaglimbeni@stlucys. org Miss Saglimbeni Pre – K 3 nsaglimbeni@stlucys. org 718-882-2203 June 3 to June 7 This week we will be discussing what is transformation and why do things change. For example, we will be discussing how we have changed from a baby to now and how we are going to continue to change. Crafts for the Week: Constellations Baby to Now Change in Colors Making Popcorn 7 – 12:00pm DISMISSAL NO AFTERSCHOOL 11 – END OF THE YEAR CELEBRATION 9:00 A.M. 12 – NO AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM 13 – NO AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM 14 – NO AFTERSCHOOL 17 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – NO AFTERSCHOOL Books for the Week: Caterpillar to Butterfly Curious George Discovers the Stars Freddy the Frogcaster Knuffle Bunny Knuffle Bunny Too IMPORTANT DATES