Paper 1 Mock 2019 Thursday 25th April GCSE Physics Paper 1 Mock 2019 Thursday 25th April
Information 1hour 45 mins 100 marks available Content covered in year 10 Provided with 12 equations only. Others need to be recalled from memory 30% mathematical content – must use scientific calculator
Topics that will come up Focus on these in particular. The rest of the content must also be covered for the real exam. Static Electricity Radioactivity Electrical circuits I-V Curves Electrical Resistance Rutherford’s scattering experiment Internal Energy Ohm’s Law Energy stores and Transfers Power LDRs and Thermistors Radioactive Decay (alpha, beta, gamma) Radioactive activity and half life Accuracy, Precision and Uncertainty Pressure in gases Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Preparation is key The results of these mock exams will be used to decide which tier you’ll be entered into (higher or foundation) next May. Please use all the resources on Show My Homework, Kerboodle, PiXL Independence, and Tassomai to ensure you ace this mock! If you underperform you will have to re-sit the exam. See your teachers if you need any further support.