“Red Bird Mission” Beverly, Kentucky Philippians 4:6-7 Bishop Peggy A. Johnson August 11-17, 2019
Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
AppalacHia is a land of great poverty, isolation and unemployment
Red Bird Mission began because of prayer 1913 - the women of KY prayed that God would send help 1919 – the Women’s Missionary Society requested that the church send a ministry to KY 1921 – An education and evangelism program began with Zelphia Roberts as a teacher in a one-room classroom and Rev. J.J. DeWall was sent as their first pastor
This is land of great poverty due to coal mining abuses of the people and the land through the years
People continued to pray 1922 – The first nurse arrived and started a clinic 1926 – The first doctor arrived 1928 – The first hospital was built 1959 – The first medical center was built 1960 – The first clinic was built
People prayed and God sent pastors to start churches Red Bird Missionary Conference was formed 22 churches are in the area There is a local pastors training school
Through the years people continue to pray and there are many services: education Red Bird Boarding School GED Classes Teacher training programs Summer camps
Health Services Clinic and lab/X-ray services Health and nutrition education Dental program Hearing Aid program Services for the Elderly
Economic development and services Gardening and farming program Food pantry and emergency needs Thrift store Crafting House repair training
Work Teams come from around the country to fix homes and build relationships
Where do you see a need in the world? Pray about it Ask God to use you Ask what people need and don’t assume you know Ask God to show you what skills you have Be patient in prayer Give thanks to God for the answers
“And the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”