Out of the mouths of babes… Let’s Find Out I am sending home our Let’s Find Out Scholastic News articles with a few hand outs. These do not need to be returned to school. They can be done at home in the event of any more snow days (fingers crossed there are none!) to keep our brains fresh. Book in a Bag If you have not returned the green permission form for the Book in a Bag program please turn that in at your convenience as well. I completely understand being out of sorts at this point in the year! Your student will start the Monday after it is turned in. 100s Day Celebrations During calendar time each day we count how many days we have been in school. Although we have surpassed 100 scheduled days of school (today would have been 105) we have not quite reached our 100 days in school (95 today) due to snow days. With this being said we will be doing small activities each day until we reach 100 (whenever that might be!). If your student did not bring in their 100 items, no worries! Send it in whenever you get around to it Out of the mouths of babes… Some of you have reached out to me inquiring something your student may have said. My husband and I are in fact expecting our first child in May! We are very excited and it seems as though your kiddos are too I will be in the classroom through mid May and only out for the last 2 weeks or so of school. If you have any concerns or questions please let me know!
Wednesday, February 13th – Readers and Writers Workshop Upcoming Events Monday, February 11th 100s day Baggies Due Tuesday, February 12th Wear Pink Day Wednesday, February 13th – Class Party 2:30-3:30 Friday, February 15th Half Day (12 p.m. dismissal) Monday , February 18th NO SCHOOL Book in a Bag We will be starting our book in a bag program this month. This activity requires your support! Each Monday students will bring home a bag with 2 books and they need to be returned on Friday (NO SOONER). These books are books that your student should be able to read independently. Please have them read to you EVERY NIGHT and then do a corresponding activity from the included bookmark. Fill out the reading log each time you read the books Readers and Writers Workshop We are diving into informational books. We will be studying the different parts of informational books such as table of content, labels, maps, diagrams and more along with working on comprehension of information. This is a heavy text type with a lot of components so take some time discussing fiction (narrative) versus nonfiction (informational) with your kiddo! Academics to work on at home… Problem solving Getting dressed independently Reading! 20 minutes a day Tying shoes Reading and writing all 25 sight words Speaking and writing in complete sentences (starting with a capitol, finger spaces, ending punctuation). Handwriting (if you would like more paper, let me know!) Counting by 1’s and 10’s (objects and just out loud)