State and national programmes State Program for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development; State Program for Social and Economic Development in Rural Areas of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2004-2008; National Program for Forest Rehabilitation and Expansion; State Program for Rational Use of Summer and Winter Pastures, Hayfields and Prevention of Land Deserting in the Azerbaijan Republic; National Program for Environmentally Sustainable Socio-Economic Development;
State and national programmes State Program for Development of Hydrometeorology in the Azerbaijan Republic through the year of 2010; Hazardous Waste Management Strategy; State Program for Use of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources; State Program for Tourism Development in the Azerbaijan Republic for 2002-2005.
Programmes in the process of being approved “On Environmental Balance and Regulation of Use of Natural Resources in the Azerbaijan Republic for 2004-2008”; “For Urgent Solid Domestic Waste Management Actions”
Priority objectives of the NCAP To preserve biodiversity; To ensure sustainable use of bio-resources; To reduce pollution in the marine environment; and To secure sustainable management of the coast line.
51 interventions included in the NCAP Total financing required – USD 300.98 million. 30 interventions are currently under way. Around USD 71 million has been either spent or disbursed to implement these interventions. Of this, the domestic contribution totals USD 5.6 million.
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has established units to: monitor the Caspian’s environment; oversee rational use and reproduction of the Caspian’s bio-resources; respond promptly to natural and man-caused disasters.
Sustainable use of bio-resources A new, modern sturgeon hatchery has been put in operation with an output capacity of 15 million a year. The existing fisheries have been reconstructed. A feasibility study has been conducted for the project of rehabilitation and protection of the Kura river delta. Regular research expeditions examine the conditions of the Caspian’s bio-resources.
Conservation of biodiversity Expansion of the old and creation of new natural reserves, whose total area has grown from 5 to 8% of the country’s total area over the past 2 years. Creation of 5 first National Parks, two of which, the Shirvan and the Gyrkan with a total area of over 75 thousand hectares, are located in the coastline zone. Preparations are underway to create the National Park Samur-Yalama off the Caspian shore which will, in addition to the shore, cover 10 thousand hectares offshore. Near completion is the Apsheron National Park designated to preserve the natural habitat of the Caspian seal.
Sustainable management of the shoreline The rehabilitation of the Apsheron peninsula has been identified as a priority task. Projects in this area are expected to be included in the World Bank’s Country Assistance Strategy. The Apsheron lakes have been studied with an aim to developing a set of lake cleaning and shoreline maintenance measures. Forest rehabilitation works have been carried out in the last two years in the shoreline territories, with a total area of 4.5 thousand hectares, in order to prevent further deterioration and desertion of the coastline area.
Reduction of marine pollution Baku’s largest treatment facility, the Hovsan plant, will be reconstructed and expanded under a project launched in partnership with the French Government. The main sources of contaminated water discharges to the Baku Bay have been eliminated. A National Plan for Emergency Oil Spill Actions is being developed with the assistance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. A project is in the development stage for introduction of modern compact treatment units at small and medium enterprises.