Disasters Media mix
What is the meaning of: Disaster…
What is the meaning of: Disaster… Find a dictionary definition and write it down.
What is the meaning of: Disaster… Find a dictionary definition and write it down. Find some synonyms.
When is an event a disaster?
When is an event a disaster? Does it depend on point of view?
How would you personally define disaster?
Open your textbook to pages 174-175 Find the title. Find the proverb. Look at the image. Read the contents list.
Open your textbook to pages 174-175 Does the image present a disaster? Why or why not? What is about to happen in the image?
Open your textbook to pages 174-175 What does the proverb mean? How does it represent disaster?
Open your textbook to pages 174-175 How does the theme of disaster connect to media?
Open your textbook to pages 174-175 How does the theme of disaster connect to media? (We usually learn about disasters through the media, and our perceptions and understanding of events are affected or filtered through someone else’s presentation of those events.)
Disasters Vocabulary Media Mix
Word Work Include definition, synonyms, antonyms, origin of word and provide an example of it in a sentence. entombed (p. 176) sheer (p. 176) transceiver (p. 176) ignorance (p. 177) forecasts (p. 179) beacon (p. 181) disoriented (p. 182) cavernous (p. 182) lingering (p. 182) serene (p. 182)
entombed Definition: To deposit in or as if in a tomb Synonyms: bury, hearse, inhume, inter, lay, put away, Antonyms: unearth, disinter, exhume Origin of ENTOMB: Middle English entoumben, from Middle French entomber, from en- + tombe which means grave in English Sentence: A valuable amount of gold is entombed in the grave of the Aztec emperor.