Revising DTM Sectoral Questions for Site Assessment with WASH Cluster August 2018
Presentation Outline Purpose of DTM Data Dictionary revision with Global Clusters Process Methodology of DTM Site Assessment What DTM Site Assessment can do for the clusters, what it cannot do Key Informants How does DTM fit in the larger ecosystem of Cluster Data? Toolkit Comments and Questions
Purpose of DTM Data Dictionary revision with Global Clusters DTM has been providing data since 2004. It is IOM tool, but we are trying to make its results as useful as possible for all the clusters, governments and other users. DTM team is working to ensure a better use of data. We believe that part of the solutions is to work with data users before collecting the data, to ensure what DTM collected was really what data users needed and knew how to use. This is how this initiative started, in early 2017. Global clusters input in the sectoral questions of the site assessment is one of the ways we are pursuing this better engagement with data users from the planning phase. The toolkit (draft for inputs) is an attempt to help clusters and DTM coordinators in the field engage more effectively with each other. This would come closer to ensure that DTM data are those the clusters need and can use. 22 August 2019
DTM Operations Overview
Methodology 22 August 2019
DTM Process SDR is done by clusters for sectoral data 22 August 2019
What DTM Site Assessment cannot do for the Cluster, WGs & other humanitarian responders DTM Site Assessments cannot replace a Sectoral assessments or programme monitoring DTM Site Assessments is done through Key Informants and Observation (not individual surveys) DTM Site Assessment cannot provide statistically representative information
Key Informants DTM Site Assessments does not interview Sectoral specialists DTM Site Assessments enumerators are not Sectoral specialists Information is triangulated with more key informants per location Site management, service providers, community workers, women and men representatives are amongst the types of key informants 22 August 2019
Why is DTM Site Assessment useful for Clusters? DTM Site Assessments usually have a very large territorial reach within the country DTM Site Assessments are regularly implemented (in rounds) and can monitor changes over time DTM Site Assessments collect inter-sectoral data (e.g., locations and numbers), in addition to some sectors-specific data DTM Site Assessments are implemented in a large number of crisis Data are shared quickly after cleaning. Modalities of data sharing are flexible, including data for urgent action. DTM is flexible, and can be adjusted: it is focused on providing useful data for response
What DTM Site Assessment CAN do for Clusters Identify locations and share their coordinates Provide estimates of population and groups at location level (and Regional/National) Raise red flags/alerts Provide information to help clusters prioritize their in-depth assessments Monitor change over time Inform on access to services in many locations on an on-going basis
Frequently Asked Questions Document (1/2) How can Clusters/Sectors/WGs in countries use DTM information? DTM data are often used to understand scope and scale of displacement, as well as trends. However, they are also used operationally, for example to raise alerts and red flags on locations in urgent sectoral need, and to help prioritize locations for follow up sectoral assessment and other action. Methods and context have an impact on the information collected in any such exercise. DTM is not a Sectoral Needs Assessment tool. In its mobility tracking component, DTM does not interview individuals or HH, and DTM enumerators and key informants are not sectoral experts. DTM, however, has a large and consistent coverage of crisis, can be adjusted to collect information that clusters need, and provides regular updates on critical issues. In addition, its data are collected over time, and can indicate how displacement and conditions of displaced populations evolve over time. DTM questions are designed to be answered by non-sectoral experts, in a way that results can be used by sectoral experts for analysis. Ideally, DTM teams provide the clusters with information and possibly descriptive analysis (with Cluster IM experts). Information is then jointly analysed by the cluster members (subject matter experts/decision makers) and context/cultural experts, bringing together available information from all sources. This slide and the next one will not be read: their only message is that what we are saying is also available in writing in the FAQ document I shared. 22 August 2019
Frequently Asked Questions Document (2/2) How can DTM and Clusters further engage for the benefit of displaced persons? At global level: In order to increase usefulness and usability of DTM data by clusters and cluster members, DTM is working at global level with various Global Clusters, to identify the basic set of information clusters may need in most contexts. These are transformed into proposed questions, and included in the DTM data dictionary. DTM teams in countries use this data dictionary for guidance, when designing/amending their questionnaires. At country level: Ideally, DTM teams and clusters in the countries will also find the time to jointly discuss the type of information clusters are missing that could be collected by DTM. After identifying the missing information, they will also jointly agree on the phrasing of the questions, on a plan for the descriptive analysis and their respective roles in interpreting the information. DTM teams may identify issues for urgent follow up by the cluster or its members. Ideally, the clusters in each country will advise DTM teams on the most appropriate modality to communicate such issues to response actors, or inform beneficiaries of relevant focal points. 22 August 2019
How does DTM fit in the larger ecosystem of Cluster Data? 22 August 2019
Analysis Roles 22 August 2019
Quick to deploy, large parts of the country reached, ongoing monitoring and quick return of data to cluster, present in most emergencies and other countries, flexible to accommodate information cluster may need. 22 August 2019
Toolkit Guide on how to engage Options for Analysis Data Analysis and Dissemination Plan 22 August 2019
Some of your questions and comments 2/3 What is the range of topics that the KII would reasonably be expected to know about? We cannot expect a sectoral expertize by KI, this is why we have asked the clusters for questions that do not need sectoral expertize, very practical and easy to gather information as well as for suggested type of KI to interview. Who is conducting the interview/what is their background/training? Enumerators go through a standard training, that is contextualized to the specific region/country. Some modules are done by protection specialists, and in some cases, some clusters have given part of such training, e.g., child protection Without a clear understanding on the process of data collection, analysis methodology, interpretation, and use of the data I don’t think it is possible to judge the value of this tool. DTM does not do any interpretation. DTM may provide some basic descriptive analysis, but it is up to Data Users and sectoral experts to do the interpretation. This is why, we are working with global clusters to agree on common messaging to the field (DTM and Clusters) on the need to clarify roles for analysis before starting data collection (e.g., See Toolkit) 22 August 2019
Some of your questions and comments How is the KI selected? On the basis of their knowledge of the situation, mostly and it depends on the site, the type of questions and other. Usually there is more than one KI per location. In the revised data dictionary, we ask the clusters to suggest the type of KI to interview. How does their gender, ethnicity, age, etc potentially impact the reliability? In many ways. This is why we are starting to keep track of gender, and we have been keeping track of background of KI. What is the scale (population/geographic area) that they are expected to be knowledgeable about? That depends on the size of the location and the type of KI interviewed. As a cluster member suggested (see later), it is important that enumerator, Key Informant, analyst and audience of the data /analysis have a common understanding of the ‘community’. 22 August 2019
Some of your questions and comments 3/3 I think it is important to consider how vulnerable populations might be impacted by this approach/tool and the data which comes out of it. To me having a key informant comment on household or personal access/conditions (e.g. menstrual hygiene!) within a community or possibly multiple communities, could be problematic. This is correct, this is why we are asking the Global clusters and clusters in the field for advice on the appropriate questions. Community boundaries: One other common issue with DTM data – the boundaries of the communities that KIs are to ‘speak on behalf of’ are often unclear, especially in dispersed settings. I would suggest the methodology includes a method to rapidly create rough community boundaries to ensure a common understanding of the concept ‘community’ across the respondent, assessment teams, analyst and final audience. Boundaries of the community KI are referring to are discussed with enumerators, to avoid inaccurate data. Maps are sometimes used. We are interested in hearing and discussing any different proposal. 22 August 2019
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