Boiling Point
The Boiling Point is the temperature where liquids starts to Boil. During the boiling process liquids will begin to evaporate. When it starts bubble will begin to form and rise to the top and burst. As long as the liquid is boiling the temperature will stay at the boiling point. The boiling point for sea water is 100oC or 212oF
Melting Point
The Melting Point is the temperature that solids become liquids. The temperature at which pure substances melt never changes as long as it is under constant conditions. So the melting point is a physical property that can be used for identification purposes. A example is how Ice melts at 32oF.
Density is the property that describes the relationship between the mass of the material and its volume Substances that have higher densities contain matter in given volume
Physical Properties
can be observed and measured without changing the kind of matter being studied. The following physical properties can be used to help identify a substance:
Color can be used to help identify a substance, along with other properties, by itself color is not a significant indemnifier of a substance. Absence of is also a physical property.
Chemical properties
A chemical property of one substance usually involves its ability to react or not react with another specific substance.
Reacting with oxygen
The ability of a substance to burn is a chemical property that involves a substance reacting quickly with oxygen to produce light and heat.
Reacting with acids
The ability of a substance to react with an acid is a chemical property
Physical change
do not change compoition of substance , only the physical propenties evidences of a physical change include.
Change in state of matter When a substance change from and state of matter to another.
Change in size or shape When a substance change in a size or shape.
Chemical change Evidence that a chemical change may have occurred include .