South Jordan Fire Department Blood Borne Pathogen Training
Blood-borne Pathogens Department of Labor and OSHA rule regulating exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Training is a Federal OSHA requirement under 29 CFR 1910.1030 South Jordan Fire will review and update the plan as needed.
Epidemiology The study of contagious diseases including but not limited to the following: HIV/AIDS Affects the immune system Hepatitis B Affects the liver Hepatitis C Affects the liver Currently a vaccine is only available for Hepatitis B
Modes of Transmission Open wounds (i.e. blood to blood) Other bodily fluids, including mucous membrane (e.g. eyes, nose, mouth) Skin penetrations from needle sticks Exposure potentials exist during MVAs, fires & motor vehicle extrications.
Potentially Contaminate Fluids Blood Amniotic Fluid Pericardial Fluid Peritoneal Fluid Pleural Fluid Synovial Fluid Cerebrospinal Fluid Semen Vaginal Secretions
Potentially Risky Procedures CPR Violent Patients Starting IVs Intubations Automobile Accidents Industrial Accidents Burn Victims
Methods of Prevention Hepatitis B immunizations Three shots over six months Shots have proven relatively safe Effective for at least ten years. Immunizations are provided at no cost by the City.
Methods of Prevention Universal Precautions Turnout gear Latex gloves Pocket mask Safety glasses Universal precautions are required to be used on every call.
Needles and Sharps Use only safety needles Do not bend or try to recap needles Use only disposable needles As soon as possible after use, place needle in an approved sharps container.
Methods of Prevention Proper hygiene/decontamination Proper doffing of contaminated gear Glove removal Use and disposal of red bags Decontamination of equipment & gear Proper hand washing
Work Areas Eating, drinking, applying cosmetics (including lip balm), and handling contact lenses are prohibited in any work area. This includes ambulance, hospital emergency department and decontamination areas. Food and drink shall not be kept, stored or transported where blood or other infectious materials may have been collected, processed or stored.
Post Exposure Procedures Notify immediate supervisor who will notify the on-duty battalion chief. Fill out exposure report form (ERF). Accompany patient to the hospital. Provide copy of the ERF to the hospital. Provide copy of the ERF to the department. Obtain permission to test blood of patient.
Post Exposure Prophylaxis If indicated, start ASAP Usually administered for four weeks. If patient is determined to be negative, stop PEP. Usually begin treatment one to two hours after exposure.
Exposure Reporting - Agency Informs providers of law and procedure for submitting an ERF. Insures that a incident report is completed Ensure first report of injury is filed with Risk Management. Ensures provider receives medical evaluation Follows up on blood testing. Maintains records of exposures Assumes the cost of testing.
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