Lesson Starter Explain what a tissue is Explain what an organ is Name one organ and describe its function
Lesson 12- Cell Organisation Cells Alive Lesson 12- Cell Organisation
Today we are going to.. Learn how organs work together in different BODY SYSTEMS Learn about the different organs in plants and what their job is
Body systems Our organs all work together in a body system There are lots of different systems in our body! With the person next to you, try and come up with as many as you can!
Nervous system The nervous system consists of your: Nerves Spinal cord Brain Electrical impulses (messages) are sent from the brain (or spinal cord) to the nerves.
Digestive System The digestive system consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, intestines and anus Food enters through the mouth and follows the digestive pathway until leaving the body as waste
Respiratory System The respiratory system consists of the: Lungs Trachea (windpipe) Associated blood vessels Oxygen is breathed in and carbon dioxide released
Circulatory System The circulatory system consists of: The heart Blood vessels Blood is circulated throughout the body carrying the nutrients needed.
Whole Organism The different systems in our bodies work together in order to form a WHOLE ORGANISM Cells Tissues Organs Systems Organism
Plants also have organs and systems
Plants The root Takes in water and nutrients from the soil to help the plant grow. Also ANCHORS the plant.
The leaf Major site of food production (photosynthesis) Plants The leaf Major site of food production (photosynthesis)
The ovary Holds plant egg cells to make seeds Plants The ovary Holds plant egg cells to make seeds
The stem Carries water and nutrients to different parts of the plant Plants The stem Carries water and nutrients to different parts of the plant
Complete page 20 in your booklet
Before you go.. On your post-it write down two things you have learned so far and one thing you are unsure of